Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Great Balls of Fire...

I'm not really sure what level of absolute total insanity you have to be to stuff a condom filled with PETN a high explosive in your panties(& you're male) & then inject it with a hypodermic needle loaded with something like nitro-g to blow yourself & a plane full of innocent civilians up. The only other people I can think of this crazy sit on top of a nuke & explode it underneath themselves with the help & support of their co-workers. Of course they are called Astronauts & their goal is to continue man's insatiable drive to explore & find ways to further enrich our lives. These men could not be any further apart which is why I ask how can some men have such incredible courage to take the risks that an Astronaut takes to better mankind while others are so weak, crazy, despondent & pathetic that they would do such harm themselves physically & psychologically & to others...?

Since much has been written already on this I'm not going to go to deep into Janet N claiming that the Homeland Security policies worked (then stating they failed...oh really!?!)...they failed miserably. We got lucky ...again. The last time we got so lucky was 2-26-93. The WTC was hit by a car bomb in the underground garage. 6 people were murdered & over 1,000 wounded(not really so lucky after all). It wasn't what worked...it was what didn't work..the explosive device. If it did 300+ on the plane would have died along with whatever damage the raining debris from the plane caused. On top of this it has been reported that guests of a certain hotel that starts with a G in sunny Cuba who were released were involved. The Imam that a certain Army Doctor who worked at Ft Hood (up until his shooting spree) also seems to be involved. Playing nice, being politically correct & trying to rehabilitate these poor lost souls doesn't seem to work too well. While Armed Force is not the only answer...it is a highly effective tool when used properly. We can't keep "hoping" that this will stop, that people will like us (Clinton was President in 93 & was well liked globally as was his predecessor Bush Sr & we still got hit) & we keep getting lucky. We need to wake up & realize that it's not going to go away until the International community no longer accepts it, rises up against it crushes it while simultaneously the leaders & the common people within the communities that produce these fanatics start taking steps to stop their children from having their minds poisoned by religious fanaticism & turned into human weapons killing innocent civilians & accomplishing nothing but creating news headlines while putting their own families & friends lives at risk from certain retaliation. So much for me not going too deep...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Avatar 3D Digital Deep Thoughts

Magical...might be the best way to describe the experience of seeing Avatar in Digital 3D. It would have been a great Sci-Fi flick in 2D, but in 3D it's out of this world. I've literally never seen anything quite like this (must be the equivalent of what is was like for our parents & grandparents when they saw the Wizard of Oz) & I'm a pretty big movie buff. Star Trek was awesome..but that was like watching a great movie...Avatar in 3D is like being immersed within the world of Pandora(the planet in the movie) while riding on a roller-coaster. I think it's safe to say that with this movie & the technology created to make it (he wrote the story 15 years ago & spent over 4yrs developing the technology to film it...something to be said for taking ones one to do something right vs just rolling out garbage ...P.S. this applies to the Financial community & Government (both parties) to appease the masses) will both save & revitalize the theater going experience. While more & more people are watching movies on their 50+ plasma via netflixed blu-ray tech...a movie like this really needs to be seen on the big screen...so kudos Mr. Cameron. Kudos as well to Zoe Saldana as the female lead(between this & Uhura in Star Trek she's the new Sci-Fi action hottie..& she can act) Sam Worthington as Jack Scully who seems to be the hero in every other film out now, Michelle Rodriguez playing like no other a mean latina chica Michelle Rodriguez (is she our female Tom Cruise?!?even though Ben Stiller does do Tom better then Tom in all fairness) & of course the Grandmother of action sci-fi heroines Sigouney Weaver.

I think it's safe to say that you don't even need to like Sci-Fi to enjoy this movie. With the exception of very young children, Sci-Fi haters, & English Lit majors who become critics who think movie's like Antichrist are fine art & are what the movie experience is about...this movie should appeal to most everyone else.

Now one thing I do feel I need to point out is that there is a fairly heavy handed Liberal "air" to this film. While I agree with the Eco spin that we shouldn't be destroying the forests to rip open the earth to mine it's resources for monetary gain...trying to allude that this is like America's adventure/misadventure in Iraq by representing Humanity as a bunch of greedy smarmy Haliburton employees backed up by Blackwater muscle (portrayed as mean, roided-out retards...led by a misguided gung-ho psycho {played brilliantly by Steven Lang...he's turning into the new Robert Duvall/Clint Eastwood old school harda$$ these days}) with some tree hugging scientists who "just don't get it" out to rape resources from the humanoid inhabitants of Pandora the Navi(think what if we evolved from Felines, were blue,very tall, lean supermodels & lived liked the American Indians of the Plains) who inhabit a rain-forest like lush gorgeous vibrant biologically diverse world with the deserts of the Middle East & it's local residents (the House of Saud, ex-house of Saddam, & the Mullahs of Iran don't seem to mind pumping their precious black gold out of the ground & selling it to various multi-nationals to refine for them to fund their various "causes) & using phrases like "terror for terror" & shock & awe tactics as utterly ridiculous & ludicrous. Better examples would be what the Europeans did all over the world, what China is doing in Africa today & what we, the USA did via United Fruit to Latin America. Actually the best analogy would be what if the Russia of today's Gazprom(Russia largest company & worlds largest extractor of natural gas) & it's private Army(yes it actually does have it's own) backed up by mercenaries comprised primarily of ex-Spetnaz (Russia's Special Forces) troops looking for new blood after Chechnya traveled through time (shockingly...no time travel in a Cameron Sci-Fi flick) back to the North America of the 16-1700's & tore up the countryside for it's natural resources while slaughtering American Indians might be a somewhat more accurate analogy. Next time Jim...either be a bit more subtle & thought provoking with your political messages or save them for dinner party conversations with your fellow travellers at your 20,000 square "carbon foot-printed" compounds that you arrive at in your Hummer "gas-guzzling" Limos to drink Jeroboams of imported French wines while being served gourmet imported delicacies vs. locally sourced food...reality really is a b.....ain't it just?!?

OK...now that I got that out of my system...absolutely amazing movie experience that not only has mind numbing crazy awesome special effects but a good story as well. The movie just keeps getting better & better the whole time as more of the world of Pandora is revealed...enjoy...& then go & see it again! As a very special holiday gift to my readers here's the link to the first scenes from the sequel (it's actually Spoiler Free... http://g4tv.com/attackoftheshow/comedy/69494/Best-of-Olivia-09-Avatar-Parody-Trailer.html)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Dudette...where's my 89th Air Wings Boeing 737?!?

Whatever happened to "practice what you preach" & leading by example?!? Maybe...just maybe if we followed these simple basic principles we wouldn't be in the mess we are in. Regardless the great leaders of the world both elected & not have descended upon Denmark to save us all (or at least one poor little Dutch girl being attacked by ever form of extreme weather simultaneously...I guess her brother Hans Brinker's fingers are stuck in the wall so he couldn't get to her) from total & imminent disaster. Oh my!!! Will this lead to the 4th+ Ice Age & then on to the 6th+ major extinction?!? I have an idea to help solve "Climate Change". I'm nowhere near as mensa-level intelligent as many of the geniuses that gathered in Copenhagen but let me throw it out there...

Let's put an end to these summits until our great leaders figure out a way to do it without flying on Military (yes you Nancy) & private aircraft that burn loads of oil while polluting the skies, getting driven around in gas guzzling carbon emission spewing Limousines from their grand "carbon footprinted"suites & eating gourmet food shipped, flown, driven in from all over the world. My radical suggestions are below

  • Fly commercial in economy(P.S. don't call stewardesses bI-atches...yes you Schumer)
  • Use shuttle van service
  • Stay in a standard size room
  • Eat locally sourced & produced food(drink water...non-bottled)
  • Stop burning hundreds of $$$$$$millions$$$$$$ in taxpayer dollars when we are in a recession
  • Have Mugabe present his speech from his leopard skinned gold plated throne room using PowerPoint
  • Fund America's Da Vinci the one & only Al Gore to create & develop new technologies where people can communicate from afar using both voice & video in radical new ways( Yes they already exist...but so did the Internet & Ice Ages before he "discovered"them & gave us world peace).
  • Have some real plans & ideas that might actually work

Again my ideas are very radical & to even fantasise, perchance to dream that our Solomon like world leaders (much less the elected ones) would subjugate themselves to such grueling & inhuman conditions just to save Gaia(mother-earth) or Hans sister is just crazy talk...but if they don't...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The First Layoff...

Lately the topics of the recession, the economy, & unemployment (10+% is the number reported, but the real number is closer to 20% (after a year out...you are no longer counted, which means 1 in 5 of you are un/fun-employed) come up all the time...so it made me wonder what ever happened to working for the same firm for all if not most of your career like our fathers & their father before them...when it hit me just who the first poor slob to get Fired, Riffed, Downsized, Laid-off, Pink-Slipped, etc., was ...none other then Lucifer. That's right, the first guy to lose his job was Jack Scratch, The Devil, Satan! As legend would have it the first guy to lose his job was due to a disagreement with Senior Management in the form of the sole proprietor of the firm...God. The story of why seems to vary between Lucifer wanting God's job, to him being jealous of God's love of man to he wanted to force man to be good while someone else (another Angel? JC?, his brother JC?!?) wanted man to have free will. Regardless of why, he was God's favorite...his right hand man. Unlike the Senior Management of firms like Bear & Lehman who fell from grace Lucifer was truly a "Master of the Universe".

Now this is where it gets tricky. While on the one hand Lucifer lost his job...with no chance of EVER being rehired...much less a reference (Yes...he worked here. Start date?...creation. Termination date?...a long, long time ago) he started his own firm from the ground on...down. He hired his own staff, developed his own marketing strategy & created his own business plan. George Costanza was obviously not the first guy to "do the opposite of everything!" Which for better or for worse(depending on your point of view) has been fairly successful throughout recorded history. So whether or not you believe in a divine being, if he has a son, if there is a counterpart to said divine being, take comfort from this story at least in the form of an allegory...that no matter how bad or high you fall...no matter how much you thought you were "a Master of the Universe" you very well may end up landing an even better job then you had...you may even start your own business that may give your previous employer a run for his money. And by chance if you ever run into your previous employer & he asks.."hey did you really need to compete directly against me after all I did for you!?! You can always reply(with a smile on your face) ..."the devil made me do it"...

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Tiger...Tiger burning oh so bright...
Tiger...Tiger lying lying thru the night...
What immoral hands & thighs
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes
On who do you oh so perspire?
Whose hands grasp you while on fire?

And what shoulder & what art
could twist oh poor Erin's heart?
And when her heart began to beat
Oh how she beat you with hands & feet!

What the hammer? what the chain?
Where exactly was your brain?
What the anvil, what dread golf club in her grasp
Dare her deadly terrors clasp

When the stars get thrown down by their peers
and water the newspapers with their tears
Did He smile over His works to see?
Did He who made the babes make thee?

Tiger...Tiger burning oh so bright...
Tiger...Tiger lying lying thru the night...
What immoral hands & thighs
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

Please find my inspiration from the orginal by William Blake http://www.bartleby.com/101/489.html

Friday, December 4, 2009

Jews, Muslims, Buddists, Hindu's, Zoroastrians,Wicans, for Christmas...

I have never understood for the life of me why "progressives" need to make such a big deal & stink about Christmas & it's various symbols over the last few years. Do they really have nothing better to do? Are they just jealous & bitter? What part of "freedom of religion" do these people not understand? Is Santa Claus that offensive?!? The manger scenes?!? Rudolf?!? While the holiday is based upon a significant event to Christians, Christmas to me has always been for everyone(I've yet to be corrected otherwise). You would have to blame this on my Father. As kids we were given Christmas presents, & next to our Menorah my father put up a miniature tree, Santa Claus, & Rudolf. He considered Christmas the celebration of brotherhood among all men (it was the 60-70's so yes you can add in Sisterhood & women if you like). I have always viewed it that way as well.

I like Christmas windows in stores, decorations on peoples homes, Christmas parties, Christmas shows & songs (many written by "the people of the old book" http://www.interfaithfamily.com/arts_and_entertainment/movies_theater_tv_and_music/The_Jews_Who_Wrote_Christmas_Songs.shtml) & the festive mood. It generally is a happy time of year that puts people in a good mood(we would all be better off if the Christmas season lasted all year long). No one has ever excluded me or anyone else I know from enjoying the holiday. I like wishing people "Merry Christmas" if I know they celebrate Hanukkah I wish them a Happy Hanukkah, Good Kwanzaa, etc... What's the problem with putting up lights & a Santa, a Menorah in the window, a Mazoa basket out on a table?!?

If you really hate Christmas & it's symbols soooo much that you have to ruin it for the rest of us...please leave the country. Seriously...now!No one is holding you here...this isn't Iran, North Korea etc...leave, go there (have you started packing yet?) I'm pretty sure they don't celebrate Christmas in N. Korea...they might in Iran though...not sure. So..either deal with the holiday cheer, smile when you see the decorations, wish someone a Merry or a Happy..or please leave the rest of us alone to observe our "silly" holidays & enjoy your superior enlightened progressive ways somewhere else (are you still here? do you need help with a flight? bus ticket to the airport...goodbye...good riddance!) For those of you who do enjoy the holiday season...Happy Holidays to All(the holiday season for me starts on Thanksgiving...do progressives celebrate Thanksgiving or is that next on the hit list?)!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What do you get when you combine 3 Navy SEALS,1 Army Army psychiatrist ...

Here's a brain teaser for you...

Q. What do you get when you combine 3 Navy SEALS,1 Army Psychiatrist, I "alleged" Terrorist, 12 dead & 31 wounded US Army soldiers? Well while the jury is still out...no pun intended you get

A. 3 Courts Martial & an Insanity plea!

While I'm sure most of you heard about the attack at Ft Hood in Texas by a US Army Psychiatrist who was responsible for working with US Army personal to deal with their issues & upon receiving orders to deploy went on a killing rampage murdering 12 in cold blood & wounding 31 (his Lawyers are planning on going with an insanity plea to get him off. Of course he's insane...he also needs to be executed for treason along with manslaughter) have you heard about the "mastermind" behind the murder of 4 Blackwater contractors who "claims" he received a bloody lip from being beaten by his captors on the battlefield? Yes, the guy who killed, tortured, lit on fire, & strung up 2 in Fallujah is claiming he got a bloody lip from his Navy Seal captors. Plus, it's unclear if it happened in the first place or when...while they were trying to apprehend him, transport him, while in captivity...

First off...Navy Seals are trained to kill with their bare hands. To get a bloody lip, at best one of the SEALS would have had at best given the "alleged terrorist" a light slap. Anything else would have done far more damage. Again, we are talking a bloody lip...not sodomized & burned with a hot pipe...a bloody lip..Even if they did the above he would have deserved it & worse...but if the SEALS did that I could understand an inquiry for doing something that stupid. But...a bloody lip...I don't know even if it did happen which I'm guessing it didn't...did he spit at them after he threw feces at them while saying things about their Mothers?!? (like the innocent freedom farmers do in Guantanamo while we cloth, feed,allow prayer, & provide full health care benefits) Have we gone completely insane? For the record it seems the SEALS turned down what is called a Captains Mast...it is a non-judicial punishment. It is also considered to be admitting guilt even if you are innocent. Which is why they requested the court martial. This is disgusting beyond the pale. The trial date is December 7th. I will save my judgement for now & wait for this case to unfold. It is stories like these that are making me question if we have completely lost sight of our countries values & rules of law. Our laws are to prevent the innocent from tyranny...not to protect cold blooded killers from our justice system so we can come across as politically correct to illiterate religious fanatics on the street or pseudo intellectuals living in ivory towers with no grasp on reality!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Reduce IAEA cooperation?

When exactly did the Mullah's (notice I say Mullah's, not the people of Iran...their interests do not seem to align)cooperate with the IAEA ( International Atomic Energy Agency) in the first place? They fully intend on developing nuclear warheads because they want to be the major power broker in the region. So big deal if they no longer adhere to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. From the views of the Mullah's it's simply not in their national interests. Now maybe if they were ruled by a Democracy(ie India) vs a Theocracy(Iran) who believe that chaos & civil war are necessary to bring forth their savor (for the record, they are not the only ones) we might not be as adamant about stopping them.

Of course if they get nukes their Arab neighbors (who hate Persians(Iranians) & vice versa will lead to numerous countries loaded with oil & religious fanatics armed with WMD. Most likely...not a great combination for anybody, anywhere regardless of your political or religious beliefs & views. So when exactly are our "friends" the Chinese & Russians going to get it though their heads that there might be better ways to find leverage against the Yankee Imperialists (USA!USA!USA!) then letting the Mullahs get their hands on nukes which could lead to Terrorists (not freedom fighters) getting their hands on dirty bombs which could go off anywhere at anytime?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Road...review

If "Jaws" when you break it down is really just an exaggerated fish tale that buddies would tell each other while drinking then I guess you could say that "The Road" is just a story about a father & son's camping trip that a kid would brag about to their friends. However like Jaws you simply cannot escape the tragedy that surrounds their stories. I did not read the book The Road before I saw the movie, even though I usually do because I am a voracious reader. When I heard that they were making a movie I decided for a change of pace to see it first. For a brief synopsis it is the story of a father & son trying to survive & make their way south after an Apocalypse. It is not stated in the book(to the best of my knowledge) or the movie what happened, or if it was natural or man-made. After seeing the movie, it could have been done by either or both.

This is a somewhat difficult movie to review for a couple of reasons. It is a very well acted, adapted, filmed, imagined, & directed movie. It is also very, very bleak (
exposed and barren and often windswept, cold, raw, lacking in warmth, life, or kindliness : grim, not hopeful or encouraging, depressing outlook>, severely simple or austere) movie. I use the dictionaries definition because it really hits home on this one. This movie will be a particularly difficult movie to watch for the father's of sons. The story is of their attempt to survive in a world gone dead inhabited by few...& those few look for meat the only place they can find it (hint...there are not a whole lot of animals left). The lessons the father teaches his son can be brutal at times.

This brings us to the second reason it is tough to review. My father was an old school guy who liked to camp, hunt, & fish. He was an NRA instructor. While he did have his soft side, he had his tough hard side as well. This would have been a difficult movie for him to watch. And knowing the types of movies he liked, I wouldn't recommend it to him, yet I would have wanted to watch it with him (most likely at home via DVD...followed by a cigar & port to relax him).
I do recommend seeing this movie to most, but if you only go to the movies purely to be entertained by comedy or special effects...this might not be for you. Otherwise, with all the problems we face in today's economy, unless you are dealing with some real life & death situations...this movie may just put in perspective that as difficult as you think you have it...you really don't. If it's grey & rainy tomorrow, the sun will shine the next day or day after that...& you will continue to make your way along your own road...

Friday, November 27, 2009

Serious Man/Broken Embraces Reviews

Serious Man- The Coen Bros. latest is more or less a somewhat modern (takes places in the Midwest in the 1960's...which would make it 1990's here in the tri-state area) take on the Old Testament story of Job. A married father of two who is a teacher finds everything falling apart from his wife leaving him, his tenure being questioned, his brother the math genius/social retard driving him nuts to the trials & tribulations of getting his antennae to work so his son can watch F Troop. All this goes on days before his son's bar mitzvah. It is pretty funny, not one of their best...but still good. Thing is...unless you're Jewish & have been bar-mitzvahed I just wonder how much you will get of a lot of the humour. So...if you're Jewish & were at least a kid in the 60's or are a big Coen Bros fan go out & see it...otherwise give it a try on Net-Flix or HBO

Broken Embraces - Pedro Almovars latest is awesome, especially if you really love cinema & Penelope Cruz. It is basically a story within a story with 2 movies going on within the stories. While this might sound confusing, especially since it's in Spanish with subtitles it was not whatsoever. A screenwriter is approached by a director to write his latest movie. He doesn't want to do it & it opens up a major chapter from his past. He was making a movie & fell in love with his lead actress...while this is going on the actresses "sugar daddy" boyfriend has his son film the making of the movie...primarily to spy on his lover. It's a great movie...& no it's not a chick flick. Again Penelope Cruz is great, I'm a huge fan of hers as an actress & think she's beautiful(not only does she look great..you see her done up as Audrey Hepburn & Marilyn Monroe). If only ever Director could be this talented & every muse so stunningly photogenic & equally talented you & your "significant other" would have a lot more to choose from then the next crap romantic comedy with she of the "Friends" or big blow up robot adventurer starring Hollywood latest leading - boy...

Fear not loyal readers...my next review will likely be for Ninja Assassin...so stay tuned...same bat-time...same bat-channel...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm Number 6!

I'm a huge fan of the 60's classic Secret Agent Man starring Patrick McGoohan. It clearly was riding Bond-mania but it was it's own show & great. Then came the Prisoner. In it a British Secret Service Agent(the protagonist from SAM) resigns from the service & then finds himself in "The Village" where no one has a name...only a number. It dealt heavily with the concepts of freedom, individuality, & communism. You didn't know if it was his cold war enemies who caught him & played mind games to get info out of him or if his own service did this to him. The ending was strange...but all in all a great show & a true cult classic. For years there has been talk of a remake & I was really looking forward to one. At one point Mel Gibson was going to remake it as a feature film (before we all found out he is psychotic anti-Semitic scum). When I heard that AMC was involved with a British channel ITV & starring James Caviezel (6) & Ian McKellen (2) I was psyched. It SUCKED!!! It was a discombobulated mess that made no sense whatsoever. I enjoy thought provoking TV instead of just being fed mush to ogle...but this...sucked! Absolutely totally disappointed. They just totally got it wrong.

They changed the lead to an American who works as an analyst at corporation in NYC & spies on the privates lives of numerous people via CCTV. Why...because American Corporations are evil, just paid well for it by an evil secret client/government/pan-global cabal???Did I mention it didn't work? Is it a dream..is it not a dream, is it drug induced? Why is he in the Village, how did he get there, is he there, what did he see that the Corporation wanted suppressed, did he see anything...who cares...I really can't believe how bad it was. I lost interest from the get go...kept trying to stick with...& it was a total waste. My advice rent or find on-line the Original & enjoy it. I guess after the amazing re-boots of Battlestar Galactica, Dr. Who,Star Trek, Batman, & James Bond I'm spoiled...but of all the ones to screw up why this one & why AMC...?!?

No Habla Espanol...

Mi Espanol is muy malo, no sprecken da Duetsche, no parlez vouis Franchaise...I've always found it amazing at just how well my fellow Americans are able to tell people that they cannot speak their language but little else...the exceptions being how to say beer & I love you in most languages... While on the other hand both here & all over the world I have met people who speak Spanish, German, Portuguese, Icelandic, Italian, Russian, etc...who have apologized to me that "they are sorry...my English is not too good" & then continued an entire conversation in English with me to varying degrees. For the record...I always tell them how good their English is & that it's me who cannot speak their language(with the exception of my broken high school level Spanish, which when I use it in places like Costa Rica, Mexico, Deli's/Restaurants in NY...no one ever makes fun of it...they always really appreciate that I'm trying!))

Recent studies have shown that more & more people worldwide are speaking English (eat it Panda-Huggers!) This is most likely due to the fact that even though our housing & derivatives markets almost caused a global depression English is the major business language & we continue to enlighten the world by exporting such cultural phenomenons as The Transformer Movies, Gossip Girl, & muzac from the likes of Brittney, Lady Gaga, Miley, etc... Regardless of the fact the most people that you interface with speak English I do believe that if you have kids...have them learn another language or two...try to learn some key phrases from a couple of languages yourself...if nothing else it will show you're trying & like I stated earlier people really do appreciate it. Plus with the technology we have at our fingertips it's not that tough...remember after all...there's an app for that...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Shape of things to come...?

Recently the US Preventative Services Task Force came out with a study that said woman should wait until they are 50 to start getting their mammograms instead of at 40 & that Doctors should stop teaching woman to check themselves. Yes...you read the last part right. Primary care physicians should stop teaching woman how to check themselves. Doctors were outraged as were most women. The first part about woman waiting until they are 50 sounds like a cost cutting effort...a shape of things to come so to speak. The second point I really don't get. What did the study find... that people are too stupid to check for lump themselves? If they do think they have one & are wrong I'm guessing a regular check up with a Doctor should take care of this. What ever happened to "better safe then sorry"?!? As of today they are now reversing their position & saying woman should discuss when, if, & how early & often with their primary care physicians. Thank you geniuses of the USPSTF. How much taxpayer money will you waste on your next genius study? What's next Doctors will wait till men are 50 before checking us for prostate or testicular cancer? I'll have to wait till I'm 50 for my Doctor to fondle my testes & digitally (not digital like computer...digits as in fingers) probe me...say it ain't so!

Please note that while I wanted to end this on a light note I am more then aware of the seriousness of this. Before we vote on a 2000+ page bill...we better know the real ramifications of the policies. The mentality that some of these organizations are preaching against educating us on how to look for early warning signs & looking to make policy that looks like it's favoring financial factors over life & death seems like a move in the wrong direction...regardless what side of the aisle you sit on...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

In Criminal Court?!? In downtown NYC!?! Seriously?!?

Considering the fact that I watched 9/11 out the window of my apartment & consider myself a patriotic American I'm guessing you may have a good idea on my thoughts of trying 9/11 terrorists in a criminal court vs a military court. Instead of bloviating...I will lay out some questions & facts so you may come to your own decisions & conclusions...

  • None of the accused 9/11 defendants that are going to be tried in criminal court in NY are American citizens
  • None of the accused are illegal aliens that were arrested on American soil for breaking US laws
  • Zacarias Moussaoui is not a U.S. citizen but was captured on US soil. He was tried in civilian court.
  • What precedent is there for trying enemy combatants captured on foreign soil in a civilian court of law versus a military tribunal? When Eric Holder was asked today by a US Senate Committee if there has ever been a case in US history of an enemy combatant caught on a foreign battlefield tried in civilian court he did not know the answer. If he does not know this, then what legal precedent is he basing his decision?
  • Has there ever been one? I could not find one. If any of you have please send it over.
  • Do Miranda rights extend to foreign nationals?On foreign soil? (they were not read Miranda rights when captured).
  • Do Miranda rights supersede the rules of the Geneva Convention for enemy combatants?
  • Even if enemy combatant's are read Miranda rights on foreign soil would they even apply in a court of US law? Would they apply if captured on US soil?
  • Can we truly find a jury comprised of 12 unbiased men & women that are peers of the accused?
  • Will any involved with this case ever be safe again & be able to lead a normal life(Jurors, Lawyers, Judges, Court Officers etc)
  • What are the security risks & costs of what could turn into a multi-year trial? (Chuck Shumer has asked for an additional $75,000 million to cover security costs, the human costs are incalculable)
  • What benefit do we as a people get for trying the accused in a Criminal court vs a Military Tribunal?
  • What are the future ramifications of doing this? What message are we sending to those who wish us harm? Do we want them secure in the knowledge that they will have the full protection of OUR laws?
  • What if they are not found guilty due to any number of reasons? Even though they have all admitted to it...
  • If there is an attack in NY during the trial will Eric Holder take responsibility? Will he agree that he should be prosecuted for reckless endangerment & Manslaughter? If there is no attack should he still face criminal charges of reckless endangerment &/or civil charges for any economic damages done to the city of New York & public & private businesses?
Again...to me the answers are pretty crystal clear. You need to ask these questions of yourself. I live in New York & I interact in the real world with real live people & real consequences. I do not live in a tower in cyberspace where theoretical & hypothetical concepts debate each other on a virtual chessboard...

The "new white meat"...

It looks like the pig & his yummy healthy meat is being replaced by the new white meat...yours(by the way...little science fact for you...human DNA & pig DNA pretty similar...like 99%)! Well, if you live in Russia that is. In another great news story from around the globe 3 homeless men in Russia killed a man, ate some of him & then sold his remains to a Kebab cart. It is unknown if any of the human meat sold. Now...who buys meat from homeless guys?!? How much does this happen around the world...I'm guessing this is far from a first. So, next time you are enjoying a yummy kebab...no worries...even if the "pork" turns out to be the "new white" meat...you'll probably never notice the difference anyhow (of course this could lead to a new strain of mad-cow called mad-human disease...which leads to... ZOMBIES!!!. So, if you play Resident Evil you know what to do...if not you may want to buy

The Zombie Survival Guide : Recorded Attacks

(also check out World War Z by the author Max Brooks(Mel's son) great book that Brad Pitt picked up the rights to the movie)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

None from colum A or B...

It seems that while our good friends the Government of China love to keep buying up American greenbacks...we still have a very long way to go in regards to working together with them for a better world. President Obama recently did a Q&A with a bunch of students in Shanghai. Many questions were asked of him including his feelings on freedom, in particular on the Internet. He stated that he believed in "non-censorship", Universal Rights including freedom of speech, religion, participation in the political process & that immutable basic rights make a people stronger. Well, it turns out aside from handpicking the audience & scripting the questions (hmmm I guess they are learning from us) the Chinese Government also censored the whole thing! It barely got any broadcast time & when some of it hit the Internet in China...it disappeared shortly thereafter. This is sad & hopefully will change. A lesson needs to be learned here. You can & should try your best to engage in conversation...but it only works when the other party is willing &/or able to listen in the first place...

Goggle Choice-Nail

I recently requested an invitation to Google Voice-mail to check it out. The concept of transcribing voicemails makes total sense & I've been wondering for a while why no one came out with it. The fact that Google has, while the major players in the mobile phone space have not speaks volumes on the state of their businesses. For the most part it does work fairly well. Google captures the actual voicemail, sends you a text of it & an e-mail (so it will be difficult to say..oh I never got the message...)

However the voice transcription technology has some kinks that need to be worked out. I notice that it particularly screws up names. I recently received a google text/mail from David Letterman...I figured he's been reading the blog & wanted me on the show (I have a great Top 10 list of how he is helping Sarah Palin sell her book by all the free PR he is giving her with his rants...seems he' upset that her daughter didn't accept his invitation to become an intern) turned out it was from someone business related. It wasn't the first wrong name or confusing message. So my advice is to listen to your messages (you access them via a google provided number) & they are fine. Now this may eat minutes...I'm guessing it does. However with texting I get a lot more of them then voicemail so I don't think it will be an issue...but if you do gets loads of voicemail...& long winded ones...unless you have a load a minutes plan this is not for you. For the time being it is FREE & so I would recommend trying it & if you are interested go to www.google.com/voice just keep in mind the text that says Halle Berry called...might be from Hal Jerr & the one from Meagan Fox may be Hagan Boxx...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is the cost of being PC?!?

No...it's not "priceless" by a long shot. Recently it's been as expensive as it gets, it cost 13 lives including a pregnant woman's, the loss of Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters, Grandchildren, Cousins, Friends, Neighbors, C0-Workers, etc...Let's not forget the 42 wounded & the trauma suffered by those who experienced it & have to live with it's repercussions now. It was very expensive & what's worse...it should never have happened.

The FBI & his superiors in the Army knew of his actions & they took no action because they were worried about offending the Muslim community. Well...I'm guessing this isn't helping loyal Americans who practice the Muslim religion now... is it?!?

There is an old saying "if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck & quacks like a duck...it's a duck". Well Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan ...see below

  • Communicated with a known radical Imam in Yemen (spreads jihad from his website) ..."for research"
  • Lived in squalor...but made six figures & was given a housing allowance on top of it"where did the money go?
  • Shouted "Allah Akbar" while calmly unloading 100 bullets into unarmed victims...
  • Questioned if it is OK to kill Muslims...It's NOT OK TO KILL ANYONE...HELLO!!!
  • He wanted out of the army...Why was he not discharged?
  • He said soldiers were admitting to war crimes. Maybe they did..maybe they didn't...killing 13 innocents did what?!?
  • Had business cards with the title of Solider of God...is that what they call doctors in the Army?!?
  • He was promoted when he should have been let go.
  • He had been reported on by fellow Doctors for expressing radical thoughts...but no one wanted to end their career over pushing it
  • Purchased handguns off the base. He couldn't get one in the Army?!?
I don't know nor will I speculate on whether he did this alone or with help in the planning. Is he crazy...likely yes...Did he get caught up in radical fanaticism...it would seem so... what motivated him I cannot imagine...but I think it's safe to say if it looks, walks, & talks like a duck...it usually is one...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Banks...the new Houses of Worship...

I'll keep this one brief...The CEO of Goldman Sachs is claiming that he is "doing the work of GOD". I believe a Barclay's executive said something similar. Really...when exactly did the creator get into "flash trading" creating Derivatives & CDO's?!? Did things get sooooo bad that even GOD needed a TARP handout?!? I'm a big believer in Capitalism, a free market economy, & understand the role that the large bulge bracket firms & exchanges play to make this machine run. However to claim one is doing the work of GOD is a bit ridiculous. If anyone is doing the work of GOD it's Doctors, Teachers, Firefighters & the like. People who save lives, heal us, & help us grow. Growing our portfolio's is great...I'm all for it...but it's not the "work of GOD"...& if it is...when exactly did my Brother...my "Wealth Management Advisor" find GOD??? For the record...he's not an Atheist...he's Agnostic...in other words, he's hedging his bet...

Spies Like Us...

Our good friends in Tehran, Iran have been holding 3 American Hikers in captivity since July 31st. Yesterday 100 day vigils were held by friends, family, & hiking organizations. Their crimes against the state you ask...? They were hiking in the Northern Kurdistan territories in an area popular for a waterfall & grove of fruit trees. If this doesn't deserve the death penalty then what does?!? When I first heard this story a few months ago, while I didn't think they were spies I was kinda wondering what they were doing so close to the border. I guess it's safe to say that being in Kurdistan they felt safe (the Kurds love America...ask a Kurd about WMD's & you may get a different answer then one from certain news organizations...for the record I did...) & were in a area that was popular for hikers. I guess it's safe to say that the area isn't too well marked (I do wonder if they had a GPS on them) & they must have wandered into the wrong border patrol at the wrong time. I'm sure after questioning them & going through their stuff they could have just let them go..but why let go such a prize go knowing just how well they could use 3 stray hikers to leverage our foreign policy through the use of media & non-stop Internet chatter. I am all for doing everything we can to get these 3 back. I'm sure she of the "pant-suits" is doing what she can. Maybe if they worked for Gore, then Clinton (the one who wears & chases the skirts in the family) would have gone over & had them home already. Unfortunately, they were just 3 Americans who were out hiking...something many of do or at least have done. On Nov 4th Iran celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the Siege of the Us Embassy. This year they got a very low turn out, no major officials showed their faces & the opposition came out against them again calling for the current regime to step down. The Obama administration has been way too quiet about this. I think Obama needs to step up & have his "Reagan" moment. Reagan called for the Berlin Wall to come down...it did, not overnight, but it did 3 years later (most of his advisers were against him saying it because they believed it would stand for many more decades to come) Obama needs to find a way to show his support for the people of Iran & give them the Hope for Change that they crave. The current gov't in Iran has no use for us as their friend & uses us "the Great Satan" to define themselves. They need to go. Obama call on the people of Iran & the world to tear down their walls of oppression & aggression. Then maybe one day hikers can cross a border & be told by border guards where they are & given directions to the waterfall with a smile...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Modern Man is weak & pathetic...

I recently read an article in the paper that compared how much faster & stronger our ancestors were & we do somewhat pale in comparison. Examples include the average hunter was as fast as Usain Bolt & just take a look at the weapons & armour that Knights wielded/wore & it kind of says it all. Now in all fairness with all the technology we created to get us around & move things that kind of makes sense. We don't need these abilities & skill sets to survive as much as we used to. Just look at the more powerful men in the world in both politics & business...smart & shrewd they may be...but how many of them would survive out in the wild...I guessing few & far between. However...it was while watching ESPN on the cross trainer (making believe I was chasing after prey uphill) I saw someTHING or should I say someone who really does put modern man to shame...not so much a warrior among men as a BEAST...yes I am talking about #15 on New Mexico's women's soccer team...you really need to see this young "lady" in action on the field to see primordial humankind at it's worst...I cannot believe what an animal she is...I've never seen a male player do & get away with as much. I both laughed & felt revulsion at the same time as she elbowed in the back, kicked in the face, pony-tail whipped members of the opposing team. How she wasn't thrown out of the game is way beyond me...but I think she should be banned for life (& seek Anger Management counseling) . I think MMA fighters would be taken aback...especially since after seeing her...they are probably & rightly so worried that she will be banned from soccer & enter their ranks...so please view this video in all it's glory...& lament in the fact that not only are there more women in the workforce & graduating college then men...but now they are tougher & more vicious then us...please excuse me now...I have to go pick out my outfit & apply my Kiehl products before I go for brunch with the girls...


Thursday, November 5, 2009

8 Long Brutal Years...

They really are the World's Greatest fans, I just don't know how they do it...I mean can you imagine your team going for 8 loooong years without winning a championship?!? It just boggles the mind! I'm guessing this incredible willpower, constitution, & stamina they possess must translate in all other areas of their lives. Bravo Yankee fans on sticking by your team through these last 8 grueling heart-breaking years. Thank you for showing us lame METS fans (last win 1986) Red Sox fans(went 86 years w/o a win) Chicago Cubs ( last win 1908...yes over 100 years) Phillies (went 27 years in between last 2 wins) Chicago White Sox(90 some odd years between wins) how it's done. I look forward to listening to you bask in your glory...until you go back to being a bunch of cry babies the next time your team loses a game & you have to go a few years without a Championship. You are the worst fans of any team & you should be the greatest! Your team has more championships then any other in any other sport. Your team has produced giants among men like Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Mickey Mantle & it looks very likely that Jeter will join that list. So step up & start acting like the players & start showing some class & stop being the worst most spoiled fans in sports. For the record...I was rooting for the Yankee's to win & as a New Yorker I'm happy they did.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Is O a V!?!

By V I am referring to a "Visitor" the name the aliens in the show V, a remake of the classic 80's Sci-Fi mini-series ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V_%28TV_series%29) that ABC relaunched last night go by. I couldn't help but notice some striking similarities between the V's & O's agenda & modus operandi... for example

  • The V's come from a world without countries...they are a "global" people...oh really?
  • The V's will only interview with handpicked news organizations ...hmm
  • The interviewer cannot ask questions that could challenge or potentially cast them in a negative light...hmmm
  • The V's have community organizers ...they what?!?
  • The V's offer Universal Health Care ...for free???
  • The V's greatest weapon "Blind Devotion" ...sounding familiar...?

Now, in all fairness last night was the first episode, so we will need to see where this goes, but please keep in mind the show's main premise is that some humans become aware of their plan & rebel with help from Vs who believe their cause is wrong...& it aired last night...what else happened last night...some key wins in the Gubernatorial races is what...coincidence?!? Is Art imitating Life here...stay tuned...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Are Taco's the New Pizza?

Sons and daughters of Rome...while I do not foresee Taco's replacing Pizza anytime soon (so take a chill pill or glass of pinot grigio) as America's favorite food and fast easy snack, Taco's are quickly becoming a strong alternative at least in NYC. Taco joints in NYC are slowly but surely starting to pop up all over (especially downtown). The key to their success is that they are very good and very "cost-effective. They also offer more of a protein to carb ratio then pizza for the same price or less. A plain slice of pizza is averaging $2.50+ now, while a taco with a choice of proteins(chicken,the other white meat, beef, fish,) is only $3-4 bucks...do the math. Pinche Taqueria has great taco's that are basic and of good quality and La Esquina opened a taqueria with loads of variations in the same price range. Pizza will always be one of my all time favorites...and many higher quality pizza places have been opening up lately...but a $20 + pizza even with good quality ingredients is going to get some serious competition from $3.50 taco's with pulled pork, habernero onions and Jalapenos in this savvy gastronomic city...with oh soooo many new options...especially in this brave new world economy of ours...

$1 Dumplings!/Next Door Coconut Buns!

I've been jonesing lately for Chinese Dumplings & haven't been to a Dim Sum brunch in a while, so after hitting the gym in Soho I started heading east & figured I'd hit somewhere along the Little Italy/Chinatown border...but couldn't find anything that looked good & the place I had in mind had closed(damn recession!) but one of the great things about this city is that sometimes when you can't find what you are looking for...you stumble on to something even better (yes...a lot like life) & as I continued east I hit Vanessa's Dumpling house on Eldridge btwn Grand & Broome...HOME-RUN! I've read about it, but figured for $1 they couldn't be too good...I was oh so wrong...they were awesome...4 pork dumpling for a $1 & awesome! I had spicy cucumbers for a side dish & some green tea to wash it all down & spent only $4 for the whole meal & was full. I might be going back tomorrow to try out the soup & sesame pancake sandwiches.

As if that wasn't enough Duo Tian Bakery is right next door. I figured I'd try my luck & see if they had my favorite Chinese desert (actually one of my favorites overall) coconut buns, which lately I've have trouble finding & they had 3 different versions including my favorite for under a buck. So...go East young man/woman...take a walk o the wild side...you never know what new & old loves you will find...

When did being a Geek become "chic & fashionable"?

Aside from being Halloween yesterday it was one of those days when the weather went from 50-70 degrees, warm ,cold, dry, rainy...what the hell(it was Halloween) do you need to throw on to run out for the day?...so I grabbed a lightweight zippered RLX polartech jacket & a grey t-shirt...with a black bat on it. No...I was not going to run out on errands as Batman...the more clever of you (you know who you are) I'm sure caught the zippered jacket hint & figured out correctly that I was going as Bruce Wayne "incognito". Well on the subway heading downtown an attractive woman, her friend & 2 kids are sitting across from me. The woman looked & sounded either Spanish or South American, was wearing jeans, a zippered jacket & a black fitted t-shirt...with silver sequins making up a Superman symbol! So...when exactly did wearing a "superhero T-shirt go from being geeky unless you're well under 10 to be fashionable & chic & worn by good looking foreign women?!? For the record I embrace my inner geek...& look forward to women embracing The Black Widow, Black Canary, & Emma Frost as fashion Icons...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fashion sense...or lack thereof...

This one is very likely going to get me in trouble...but I hope to redeem myself in the end... It is simply beyond me how many women in NYC dress sooooo poorly. I seriously just don't get it. This is one of the major fashion capitals of the world...especially for "street fashion". Now I'm not expecting everyone too have a great sense of style nor too be able to afford couture fashion...but the point is this is NYC...between all the woman who do dress well on the street, all the magazines, ads, TV, one's own fashion sense I would think that very few & far between would dress poorly. This is a city where women get dressed up to go shopping or to the gym...& yet I'm amazed at what I see sometimes.

I started noticing this big time years ago when companies started doing "business casual" Fridays. It was bad enough most guys didn't understand that meant trouser/khaki' with a button down vs acid wash jeans with a t-shirt (you know who you are) but women dressing without a clue...I couldn't believe it. I see it all the time on the street & out & about. For the record I'm not talking about outfits or styles I don't like, I'm talking about seeing a girl with a headband (my friend pointed it out) over 12...what adult woman wears a headband to keep her hair in place??? I actually thought she was wearing a costume. Then there was her friend the "Sherpa". Attractive girl wearing Uggs (hey, I live in NYC...how can I not know this stuff?!?) w/tights & a baggy hooded sweatshirt...the girl looked ridiculous. I mean seriously...you have everything from high end fashion to thrift shops to your H&M's, Top Shops, Banana Republics,Gap,A&F, etc...who knock off the current "looks" to make it a no-brainer to look good on the cheap w/o much effort. So...please explain to me how many disasters there are out there...

Now back to redeeming myself...for the most part all the girls that I'm friends with, date/dated & the wives/girlfriends of most of my friends do dress fine. Some very well & obviously spend some money & time...others not as high-end or fashionable but they look good. Their stuff matches. No one is going to go "did they dress in the dark from someone else's closet" etc... Again I just don't get it. Go to Rome, Florence, Paris, etc...& see how many poorly (illegal immigrants that they keep in ghetto's don't count) dressed women you see there. This is NYC...all women should be able to dress well if not high end. Here...I'll plug my brothers sister in laws place TAROO. She has locations in the Upper East/West & Murray Hill...go update your closet & tell them I sent you... http://www.taroonyc.com/index.php ...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Camera Krazy

I was up on the High-Line yesterday & you would have thought some massive photo shoot was going on. Every other person had a DSLR w/a serious lens while everyone one else had their point & shoot out taking pics...of the scenery, each other, people not aware they were being photographed etc...

I'm just not quite sure how crazy I am about everyone running around with a camera all day long taking pics of everything. I just love it how people just stop on the street to take pics seemingly oblivious that they are on a busy street in Manhattan & don't understand why the world doesn't stop so they can get a picture of whatever catches their inner artistic eye...

For the record I'm very much into photography, own a bunch of film & digital cameras, have Schatz, Stuht,& Schiller up on my walls & loads of books by Haskens, Dweck, Brandt, etc...My Father was an avid high end amateur photographer that had done some professional work & developed color prints in his own dark room. He drove us nuts as kids taking pictures all the time especially anywhere we went for a day trip or vacation. Yet I don't remember seeing a lot of others doing it. Back then we only had film cameras & you had to know for the most part what you were doing...with the exception of the Polaroid, but again just don't remember seeing people ALL over the places snapping off pics.

Now with the digital point & shoots everyone walks around all day long taking pics of EVERYTHING. I think with the exception of Sports Bars(then again...the Magners Hard Cider girl did take a pic of me drinking with the Magners label out at the Blind Pig last night...LOOK for ME in the next Magners campaign!) you can't go to a bar without having to deal with everyone constantly taking group shots (my cousin being possibly the worst offender of this) oh look we're in a bar AGAIN having a drink...eating brunch, dinner etc...Do we really need to record everything we do...Do we need to constantly take pictures just because we can? At my family dinners instead of one person taking a few pics...half the people there are firing off their cameras...it's like a fashion shoot for my Niece & Nephew with all the flashes going off.

While I'm a gadget guy & have committed many of the crimes listed above I try to use some common sense & stay aware of my surroundings...I guess I just feel it's become a bit too much when you can't walk down the street without ending up on someones camera...I hope you enjoyed my rant...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Vampires...their gory history & non-bloody future...

The History channel is running some shows on "things that go bump" in the night & I recently watched the Vampire segment. The show covered everything from the origins of the creature (they go back thousands of years, The Chinese have Jiang Shi, India has Kali, & Lilith comes from the Old Testament...check them out on wikipedia) all the way to scientific research on them in the modern world (new age Vampires do not drink blood nor allow it in practice, the feed on psychic energy & they walk among us...especially in New Orleans & NYC). It also goes over how their image has changed throughout the centuries from undead scary monsters to charming, sexy, & seductive Euro's. The show didn't cover much of the new age Americanized teen-vamp(Twilight, Vampire Diaries etc) or the True Blood Southern Gothic take on Vampires simply being minorities...but there are more then enough articles & shows covering that now.

One of the more disturbing things that came out of the show was that...as usual, the worst monsters in Vampire history are not in Mythology or Fiction but were true stories of actual human atrocities . One of the worst monsters in human history was a Hungarian Royal who believed bathing in blood would keep her young. They estimate that she tortured & killed 600+ virgins over the years for their blood. She was not brought to justice until she went after the children of fellow royalty. Another monster was some head-case teenager who slaughtered his girlfriends parents to drink their blood. He was given life & doesn't really care since he believes he is immortal.

Do we create these monsters of fiction to make our own real monsters seen less horrible...? Do we dream them up because of our horror & revulsion at what our fellow men/women really do? I don't think Count Dracula had much on Vlad "the Impaler" Dracula much less Hitler, Stalin, Mao...well the list goes on, you get the point...

Otherwise, enjoy the show...I have the Wolfman episode set to record...I like Vampires...but due to my nature...I think it's safe to say I would be a Lycan...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Obama...the new Nixon???

In all fairness I never really expected to see O's & Tricky Dicky's names in the same sentence...but I have a few times lately in regards to possibly having/putting together an "enemies of the state" list (hopefully I'm not on it...I try to be fair & balanced). Please note I'm not just referring to Fox, but also to the Insurance Industry, Wall St, & even some of our closest Allies including the UK, Israel, & key Eastern European countries.

This didn't work out too well for the Nixon admin & I'm hoping O has some street smarts to realize he's starting to piss off the wrong people(Allies, independent voters, moderate democrats, etc) & it's not working in his favor or making him look good. I really don't understand why he & his staff (look what Rahm Emanual said about Fox News...total moron & came off as a condescending jerk) are picking a fight with a News organization. I don't remember Bush & his admin boycotting the more liberal leaning media & they were vicious & out of line with their attacks. Dan Rather committed political suicide & destroyed his career by doing it.

By not going on Fox O is actually making them look stronger not weaker...does'nt he realize this?!? O'Reilly has been very fair to him & had a very good pre-election interview with him. I can understand if he doesn't want to go on Hannity...but there are plenty of others including O'Reilly that would be beneficial for him to speak with. Will they ask him some hard & challenging questions? Of course THEY WILL...it's THEIR JOB to ask tough questions & not pander to the government. The world via satellite TV & of course the Internet are watching all of this. Dictators suppress news & don't talk to those with other points of views(before they arrest &/or have them killed ie.. Putin, Chavez, the Mullahs of Iran). Presidents talk to all their people regardless if they voted for them or agree with their policies or not. I think it's time to step up & lead...not just talk about ideal hopes & dreams.

I'll save who he is playing naughty & nice for another time...

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Next Great Franchise...

With marketing acumen & entrepurnial  sprint like this...just how did America possibly get into the economic mess we now find ourselves?!? Where else in the world do you see capitalism & democracy working hand in hand to create such an incredible game changing business ?
Stressed out...just grab a shot-gun, hand-gun or rifle of your choice & let loose on a wide array of targets! Follow that up with a dip in the pool, hit the jacuzzi & sauna, then enjoy a massage, pedicure & or facial to wrap up your experience!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Excuse me...but where is the Emperor building?

While walking toward the subway...right across from the Chrysler building a Japanese couple on holiday stopped & asked me if I can kindly point them in the direction of the Emperor building... I told them that there is no "Emperor building in NY...but were they referring to the Chrysler Building right across the street? No...they were looking for the Emperor building & didn't know what the Chrysler building was or even notice it's grandeur & architectural aesthetics until I pointed them out. I also had to explain who Chrysler was...I told them it was a US car company up until recently & was now a Gov't owned & run firm...they laughed...thought very funny... Still they were looking for the Emperor building...I asked them...do you mean the Empire State building? They said no...the Emperor...I asked "the one with King Kong at the top...the big monkey"... "Yes" they replied laughing..."that one!". I sent them on their merry way, doing my part to show the world why NY'ers for all our undeserved bad rap are some of the nicest & most accommodating guides to tourists in the world.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize 2009 & the winner is...envelope please...

There has been so much already said & written about this I almost decided not to bother writing anything. However, I will add my 2 cents to the mix. This award was made null & void in my book back in 1994. Why you ask...well in 1994* one of the most despicable men on the planet at the time was given the award. I am referring to Yassir Arafat. A man whose hands were not only covered in blood for all the innocent Israeli's & Jews he had murdered...but for all of his own people he sent on suicide missions & those that didn't see things his way he had killed. To rub some more salt in the wound he funneled the money that was given to him by Aid Organizations & governments for the Palestinian people into his own Swiss bank accounts! Instead of building schools & hospitals, creating jobs etc...he embezzled the money. As much as I wish the Mosad executed him, I'm shocked that one of his own people didn't. How this monster that inflicted so much pain on so many could be given the award for Peace shows just how screwed up the committee is. The award is meaningless...a sad joke. Furthermore giving it to Jimmy Carter in 2002...a man who was one of...if not Americas worst ever President with the absolute worst foreign policies...who since leaving office travels the world with his anti-American & anti-Semitic rants..gets the award by a bunch of sad weak leftists so they can stick their flaccid finger in Bush's eye...It's easily understood why Obama seemed less then thrilled to win it.

For the record, while I did not vote for Obama or agree with most of his policies I do truly believe this is an award he would have loved to win & would have cherished...if he had won it years from now with a list of accomplishments to show how he earned it. Instead I'm guessing he feels cheated. That instead of earning it for achieving change in the world for the better that he believes in...he gets it for what? Appealing to a bunch of Euro left wingers who have decried America's rise to power after the second World War?!? Maybe olde & wise Europe should remember why we rose & they fell. Maybe we should note it as well before we fall. Let's all hope that during Obama's presidency he earns this award by bringing the change he promised...I don't believe much in hoping for things...so let's count on him living up to his words...I'm rooting for him for the record...

* http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ratings to Kill For...

Here's another great story that pops up from time to time. William Souza the host of Canal Livre...one of Brazil's most popular TV shows is on the run & MIA in. Why you ask? Well the former Police Officer & current State Assemblyman in Manaus, Brazil was hosting a live action reality show about Criminals whose specialty was homicides. He & his crew were tracking down criminals & uncovering stories before the Police ever got to the murder scenes. Well it turns out that Mr. Souza is being investigated for hiring hitmen to commit the crimes he was solving & uncovering!

And we thought we had problems in our country with our TV hosts having sex with employee's for them to get a(or is that give) head...

So if you're roaming around the rainforests outside Manaus, Brazil & see a guy with a microphone & TV camera...run...unless you want to be on his next hit (no pun intended) show...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Recession Double Featues 2X Reviews

One of the many, many wonderful things to come out of the greatest Recession of all time is the matinee double-feature...so here are reviews for my 2 latest ...(remember all reviews are SPOILER-FREE!)

The first is the segue DF...Zombieland & Jennifers Body

Zombieland - Hilarious...one of the funniest movies I've seen in a while. Yes...there is a bit of gore but it's the best role Woody has had in a while & there is an awesome cameo...plus two of the main protagonists are sisters...& I'm all about girl power.!My only issue...too short, only 80 mins...but then again if you see it as part of a DF...

Jennifers Body...No zombie's but one smoking Megan Fox hot demon & again some gore & some humour ...not as well balanced as Zombieland though...For the record...this is a chick-flick, it was written by the writer of Juno...so lots of BFF, girlie humour...girls being bad...& Megan Fox..regardless of the make-up..looks hot...even when she's done up to look like sickly, weak, & pale...she is still smoking hot. Girls must hate her so... I really feel for her & I'm here to support her...Stop the Jennifer Hate...haters!

Next DF...the non-segue "time-factor DF...Surrogates & 500 Days of Summer

Surrogates - Very good Sci-Fi/Film Noir which is based on the premise that in the not-to-distant future we all use life-like androids to get around & live our lives. We control them remotely while we lie down hooked up in a dentists chair. The benefits...we all look young, beautiful & cannot get hurt. Our physical prowess also amped up a bit. Life is grand until a murder takes place...which is not supposed to be possible. Now while this may sound far-fetched...I think not. We all spend more & more time on-line for both business & pleasure & kids are getting hooked early. Think Wii... Also if you follow tech at all the Japanese in the commercial arena & our Military have been doing quite a bit of work in the field as well. I think I'll stick with the real world for the most part...with the exception of some Call of Duty & Rainbow 6 on occasion...

500 Days of Summer - The story of a relationship from the Guys point of view told in non-sequential order...for the record this is not a love story...no spoiler here...nor is there any great tragedy... Great jobs by both leads...(the guy is sooooo my cousin Scott...plus I doubt he would disagree) I thought it seemed very realistic & not contrived whatsoever...highly recommended...segue in to "this is not a love song...this is not a love song!"

Monday, October 5, 2009

Comrade...where's my cargo ship?!?

This is my latest favorite story going on...that every now & then pops up from under the radar. The Arctic Sea a Russian owned Finnish operated cargo ship carrying "timber" to Algeria goes missing in August...then pops up weeks later off the Cape Verde Islands (not too close to Algeria...check out map. Of course everyone thought pirates at first...but that's not quite what happened.

  • The ship was boarded & then released 3 days after it left Finland...then pops up weeks later off Cape Verde Coast
  • The crew never pulls into port after the boarding...even they they were "assaulted"...it goes dark...
  • A global alarm never goes up on maritime channels for assistance in finding the ship
  • Russia sends battleships to hunt down the missing vessel
  • The ship finally turns back up under heavy military guard
  • The crew is under gag orders
  • Netanyahu (the Prime Minister of Israel) makes an unscheduled trip to Russia the beginning of Sept
Is it safe to say the ship was carrying more then timber...? Most likely arms for Freedom Fighters..Russians love to support Freedom whenever & wherever they can...Who boarded the ship, held the crew at gunpoint & then left w/o taking anything...other then I'm guessing some pics... Was the Russian gov't complicit (what was Putin's cut?) in this or were rogue forces...better yet both working in tandem...how much of this is going on...? I'm guessing way too much...keep looking out for further developments on this story. The FT just ran a story on it in their weekend edition.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Anakin Skywalker Conundrum...

"Is he a good guy or a bad guy?" My niece & nephew ask this question over & over & over again every time they watch movies & TV shows. They are infatuated over who is good & bad...yet they are only 5 & 3 respectively...so at this age exactly what is their concept of good & bad or better yet Good vs. Evil? At this point in their lives listening to Mommy & Daddy & their teachers I'm guessing must be the definition. A guy hitting a good guy must make him bad in their eyes...yet good guys in fiction & real life frequently fight & hit each other do they not? They seem to draw on what they watch on their plasma TV in the family room these concepts.

Which brings us to the Anakin Skywalker conundrum. I think it's safe to say most of us grew up on an Evil Darth Vader. He was big, dark, sounded scary, & his helmet looked like a Nazi's from WW2. The epitome of human evil on a grand scale (even though Mao & Stalin may just have more kills for the record). He was evil personified. He blew up an entire planet killing Princess Leia's family & people with one shot...& she turned out to be HIS daughter! He almost killed his own son! Yes...in the end it turns out there is still some good & kills his dark lord...but he had decades of innocent blood on his hands. It would be like Goebbels shooting Hitler as the Russians descended on Berlin...would he be any less evil?

Now while we grew up on that Anakin & then as adults 20 some odd years latter see him as a child, then young adult & watch him go bad (serious Mommy issues)...my niece & nephew who have watched all the Star Wars movies a million times each are growing up watching a HERO named Anakin Skywalker on the Clone Wars TV series. He is the greatest Jedi in the universe backed by Clone Soldiers (who become Storm Troopers) defeating evil for the Jedi cause throughout the universe. In their young minds do they realize that the evil Darth Vader is their Clone Wars hero? If not as what age does this become clear? Growing up on him evil to me he's evil...& this is just the story that leads to him going bad...but how do they view their hero...eventually becoming one of the most evil beings in the galaxy? How does it affect their views of right & wrong, good & evil? Our hero's as kids Batman, Tarzan, John Wayne never went bad...the Joker, Goldfinger, Dracula never were good. Most characters we saw go from good to bad or vice versa or back again were as teenagers or older...how many did we grow up on went from such a hero to such evil?

Well there is one... & really think about this one. We all grew up with the Devil as the epitome of evil. He is God & Man's arch-nemesis. The root of all evil. "The Devil made me do it". If you're bad...you will go to Hell with the Devil & be damned for eternity. That's the Devil we all grew up on. But...what if instead we grew on on Lucifer...an Angel. One of God's top Angel's...one of his favorites. What if we grew up on Lucifer doing God's will as children & then later learn the story of his fall or finally put two & two together & realize oh...God's top Angel is the guy who fell to become the Devil. What would our view be of him then? Was the evil always there? Deception has always been one of Evil's greatest weapons. Or is the lesson that any of us...even the best of us can go bad...very bad. So...how exactly does one answer "is he a good guy or bad guy" he's good...for now....?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Steve & Churchill's Adventure Playland

Please note: this genius business idea to generate additional revenues came from a request as to what to do for a special occasion from a friend/relative whose name shall be keep secret to protect the guilty. Please keep your eyes out for my upcoming blog/business idea "The Dating Planner"

Why go to D&B with all the other un-original & boring sheep when you can go to STEVE & CHURCHILL's ADVENTURE PLAYLAND!!! Our couples without a clue package includes...(please contact for our vast assortment of packages...custom packages available upon request)

A walk in our romantic Sculpture Garden...followed by...

A walk in our Art Deco lobby...which leads to our magical transportation system that whisks you up to our beautiful open Roof to the Stars (well almost whisks you...you do have to walk up a flight of astro-turfed stairs) where you may enjoy a wide range of beverages (served in plastic cups). See beautiful views of...

  • The King Kong Tower
  • Obam-Biden Tower (Used to be some car company's building before the Gov't took them over)
  • Bridges galore
  • River Views
  • The Osborn Estate
  • The Un-United Nations Water-Park
  • Pepsi Sign
  • Long Island City Queens

Then re-enter the transporter to S&C's Kitchen & Entertainment Center...

  • Dance to our extensive music collection in the lobby bar!
  • Enjoy a hand-crafted cocktail in the Blue & Red lounge!
  • Enjoy our Halls of Pop Art & Photography (limited edition prints of our exclusive photographer Hunter's worldwide adventure prints...please see bartender for pricing$$$$)
  • Watch everything from Animated Feature Length adventures to Worldwide Foreign films of intrigue, romance & adventure!
  • Play state of the art X-BOX 360 games!
  • Play state of the art PSP games while watching movies!

Enjoy the culinary wonders of the S&C Kitchen! (sample menu below of what's in my fridge & cupboard)

  • Hot Dogs with spicy-kraut
  • Greek sausage salad roll-ups
  • Bacon & Egg roll-ups
  • Shrimp Nacho's
  • Cucumber-Mint coolers
  • Old school spicy pasta

These delights & drinks are not included in package price...which starts at only $250 PP!!! A bargain in this market. Bookings are limited & two week notice is HIGHLY recommended!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Off The Grid Survival

Caveat: For those of you on FACEBOOK, when the Apocalypse comes (looking like sooner rather then later lately) you're dead, so the website http://offgridsurvival.com/ isn't go to do you much good. It is a known fact that CYBERDYNE will be using FACEBOOK to target humanity primarily one of three(3) ways...

  • MINI-NUKES- By launching the mini-nukes that Iran is producing right now in their "green" nuclear power plant in Qom. CYBERDYNE will use these in conjunction with google maps, FACKBOOK, Twitter & Hop-Stop to individually nuke you.
  • SWINE-FLU- Swine Flu will morph into a Zombification delivery system that will target many of you (see above). It is being created by the Gov't & Eric Holder will be running the program. For those of you who think Cheney was evil...he's a girl scout compared to Holder.
  • TERMINATORS - Yes, now that ACORN is being dismantled CYBERDYNE will convert ACORN employee's into cybernetic killing machines. For those not nuked or eaten...they are the clean up crew (she above the above)

Now, for those of you NOT on facebook & off the grid you do have a good chance to survive & for those who are not Dad/self taught MacGyver's this site http://offgridsurvival.com/ is essential. Just remember...when the shit hits the fan the Internet will be less then safe...so you need to actually read, remember, write it down on paper(have your niece & nephew draw stuff in crayon)etc...

Also for those who do come across the Zombie's...please remember a head shot is the only thing to kill it...blowing their knee's out work to slow them down if attacked by many...if you didn't know this or can't remember it you deserve to have what few brain cells you have in the first place eaten out of your skull...plus it will slow down the Zombie's trying to scape out your few brains while the rest of us escape to fight the good fight...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Iran going Green

Wow...what a shock...it turns out that our good friends & fellow lovers of Democracy the Iranian Mullahs have yet another "secret" uranium enrichment site. Kind of embarrassing how they are developing good clean green nuclear energy technology while here in the West we're trying to make black coal "green". However if by some wild chance...the site isn't for peaceful green means...then what exactly are we going to do?

1) continue to talk...talk..talk... & let them get nukes?
2) actually get the Russkies & Chinese to back us...? (not looking good...the Chinese want their oil & the Russkies like selling "stuff" to them plus I believe they have some energy games going on as well)
3) get the old school Western powers UK, France, Germany, the Dutch, Ozzies step up together & put a stop to it
4) give the Israeli's the green light to hit them...back them up...but know they are going to take the brunt of the retaliation both in Israel & overseas...
5) let the Arab world..Egypt, Saudi's, Jordanians, Kuwaiti's, etc...step up & do something...for the record the Arabs HATE the Persians (Iranians) & vice versa. (they are counting on their good friends the Israeli's stepping up & doing it)

Well if nothing else the excitement never stops...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Kayne...where are you when we actually REALLY need you!?!

Where was America's voice & greatest genius of our generation (no not Big O, the real one Kanye) while Qaddafi was ranting & raving for 75 minutes of overtime from the 15 he was allowed to rant?!? I mean Kanye has a special & unique skill set...he just needs to learn where & when to use it. Below are some of the highlights of Little Q's rant. It came from the CS Monitor but I looked at a bunch of other sources & they all said the same thing. My comments are in parenthesis...enjoy!

1. ‘Our son’ Obama

Qaddafi extended his congratulations to “our son Obama” on the occasion of his first speech at UN.

“Obama is a glimpse in the darkness after four or eight years,” Qaddafi said. “We are content and happy if Obama can stay forever as president of the United States.” (one can only hope we adopt Venezuela's true model of Democracy)

2. UN Security Council Terror Council

“We are not committed to obeying or adhering to resolutions by the Security Council in its composition right now,” Qaddafi said. “It should not be called the Security Council, it should be called the ‘terror council.’ ” (Kind of has a point here...the SC are also the world's largest Arms dealers)

3. Swine Flu: The capitalists made it

“The swine virus may have gotten out in the open after escaping from a laboratory. It may have been put together in a lab by the military…. We do sometimes make viruses in a laboratory and then they make viruses for capitalist companies who will make vaccinations and make money.” (most likely the same team that put together AIDS)

4. Iraq war the ‘mother of all evils’

“Sixty-five aggressive wars took place without any collective action by the United Nations to prevent them,” Qaddafi said. He noted the Iraq war, in particular, as being “the mother of all evils.” (I thought it was the Mother of ALL wars?!?)

5. JFK killed because he wanted to investigate Israelis

“Why did this Israeli kill the killer of Jack Kennedy?” Qaddafi asked, after noting that Jack Ruby, “an Israeli,” killed Kennedy’s assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. “The whole world should know that Kennedy wanted to investigate the nuclear reactor of the Israeli demon,” Qaddafi said. (Like who didn't know this already...old news)

Qaddafi also called for a reinvestigation into the assassination of the Martin Luther King Jr. “His killing was a plot, and we should know why he was killed and who killed him,” Qaddafi said. (thought we solved this one...)

6. UN should relocate to Libya

“You will thank me for not having to travel for 20 hours to this place.” ( I strongly agree. We tear down the building & turn the space into a water park !!!)

Friday, September 18, 2009

HealthCare Reform II

I don't want to pay for fat stupid people who don't exercise, overeat, & smoke...furthermore why should I or you?!? What ever happened to personal responsibility & common sense? We know what causes obesity & we know many ways to fight it....DIET & EXERCISE.

We know the results of long term smoking...& how to fight it...STOP SMOKING.

If you, I, & everyone else would watch their diet, exercise, not smoke etc... we would greatly reduce the needs to constantly go to doctors & take prescription drugs.

Furthermore...even though this could be a separate blog...we take way too many unnecessary prescription drugs. People overdose their kids with a variety of pills & then there are those who are doped up on anti-depressants.

If we want to solve healthcare instead of relying on the gov't to come up with a plan...how about we start living healthier lifestyles & take some responsibility. Just a thought. For the record I practice what I preach...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What I did on my Summer vacation....

I cannot believe this summer is just about over...hoping for an Indian Summer....the highlights in no particular order...

  • Vacation in Dubrovnik, Croatia (see earlier blog for details & pics)
  • Vacation on South Padre Island
  • Between rooftop pool, beach & vacations...possibly best tan ever...
  • Finally started doing laps in my pool (looking to break 50 this weekend)
  • Swimming with my Niece & Nephew
  • Body-Surfing at Long Beach
  • Lost about 15lbs of baby fat from the swimming & gym...
  • Lots of cooking...
  • Enjoyed all the best happy hour deals Soho had to offer...
  • Became Norm-like at Nolita House, Bread, & Cafe Habana
  • Finally making it to CITI Field...great stadium...would be nice if it had a team...
  • Seeing Venus & Nadal at the US Open
  • Discovered photographers Michael Dweck (Mermaids), Deborah Anderson (ROOM 23) & Jean Phillip Piter (PURE magazine St. Barths)
  • The chorizo sandwich at Egg in Willamsburg
  • The ice cream at Jacques Torres
  • Coconut M&M's!!!
  • Making mint chocolate chip cookie mint ice-cream sandwich's...mmmmnnnnn
  • Making alcoholic & virgin drinks with muddled cucumber & mint
  • Shopping for greens & hot peppers w/William Defoe ...True story
  • The Highline...
  • Falling in love with the ladies of FBN & CNBC on the 10 & 11am shows
  • Dinner at the Standard...you would never know there was a recession!
  • Going to the beach at the end of April! Hopefully can say end of September...
  • Fallout 3 & finishing it
  • Captain America Reborn!...or am I...?
  • Shakira's She Wolf video...
  • Marvel getting purchased by Mickey Mouse...
  • Great movie summer for blockbusters & independents...favorites Star Trek, Hurt Locker, & Inglorious Basterds
  • Read loads of great books...see reviews
  • Massages at Great Jones Spa & Water Lounge

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Farmers Markets/Happy Hours/ Entree's under $30...

Did it really need to take the recession to get Farmers Markets to spring up all over? For restaurants & bars to have happy hours...real happy hours where you get 2-1 rounds & 1/2 price food or FREE nibbles...for Entrees to go for $20 something bucks?

While it great to be able to get products from all over, Farmers Markets I hope are here to stay. You get fresh produce grown/made locally which saves you money, puts the money right in the farmers pocket & reduces greatly transport costs. It's a win-win that I hope is here to stay.

I got sick of paying $15+ bucks for a drink in a bar full of trendoids a long time ago. Happy hour should be a time where people go somewhere for a drink & a deal...not to get stuffed & screwed without a smile or thank you. So PLEASE keep REAL happy hours alive & well even after the recession is over.

Charging $40 for an entree w/o any sides or anything else is DISGUSTING & RIDICULOUS. I don't care what the quality, ingredients, or portion size is. I've eaten way to many great tasting entrees for $20+ & under in restaurants throughout NYC that it can be done. Reduce the portion size if need be & stop charging to attract celebrities & Hedge Fund Managers...unless of course you can sustain a business with ONLY their business (good luck since your clientele has been greatly reduced...)


Recently read Accidental Billionaire the story of FaceBook*. While I'm not on it & have no intention to ever join it was a very good, very fast & interesting read. It is told from the point of view of others involved with the story & the CEO refused to be interviewed or add any input. It paints a less then pretty picture of the guy. However it does give some back story on him & outright shows that the guy is a genius.

Why it was originally started, how, & how incredibly fast it grew vs it's competitors is pretty interesting. I am a big fan of the author & kudo's to him from a marketing perspective from taking what should have been a 2 part article in Playboy or Wired & turned it into a book...

*Fashmash was the original name...

AMEX - Dont' Go to the US Open Without it...

Especially if you think there is a remote chance that you or whoever you are going with may LOSE their ticket... Originally I was going to get tix off Stub-hub or a like site. Nothing against them, they seem to work well & it's a pretty good way to get tix. However, if at the event before you got in if you or your friend/lover/family/client lose their ticket...what if anything can you do (if there is please let us all know) ? Well, my friend Mike did lose his ticket shortly after we picked up the tickets at will call. Luckily I ended up buying them from Ticketmaster off the US Open website with my AMEX. After a little running around we were sent back to the will-call window where they voided out my ticket & his & gave us new ones. Disaster avoided...got to see two great matches.

P.S. Apologies to the foreign couple in section 331 that I politely asked to please get out of my seats. I really thought you were in the wrong seats & that we were in section 330 at the time...