Friday, September 25, 2009

Iran going Green

Wow...what a turns out that our good friends & fellow lovers of Democracy the Iranian Mullahs have yet another "secret" uranium enrichment site. Kind of embarrassing how they are developing good clean green nuclear energy technology while here in the West we're trying to make black coal "green". However if by some wild chance...the site isn't for peaceful green means...then what exactly are we going to do?

1) continue to & let them get nukes?
2) actually get the Russkies & Chinese to back us...? (not looking good...the Chinese want their oil & the Russkies like selling "stuff" to them plus I believe they have some energy games going on as well)
3) get the old school Western powers UK, France, Germany, the Dutch, Ozzies step up together & put a stop to it
4) give the Israeli's the green light to hit them...back them up...but know they are going to take the brunt of the retaliation both in Israel & overseas...
5) let the Arab world..Egypt, Saudi's, Jordanians, Kuwaiti's, etc...step up & do something...for the record the Arabs HATE the Persians (Iranians) & vice versa. (they are counting on their good friends the Israeli's stepping up & doing it)

Well if nothing else the excitement never stops...

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