Sunday, October 24, 2010

Smoke on the Siene

 Sacrebleu (Sacrebleu is an old French profanity, meant as a cry of surprise or anger)!!! Can you even believe that the evil Vichy government of France is planning on raising the age to retire from 60...all the way! The real question here is how did it actually manage to get this high in the first place. I'm guessing as long as it was just in the 50's the French were too busy munching on croissants in between drags of their gauloises & sips of their Bordeaux to even notice it was moving up to 60. Then when it hit 60...& they could no longer retire in their 50's they went bat-shit. Now that Sarkozy wants to start moving it up they are rioting in the streets lighting shit up on fire. Please note, for the rest of the EU it's 65 & here in the US it's 67 (must be our superior healthcare).

There is concern that riots like this may start to spread from Europe (they went bat-shit in Greece when they found out that they were bankrupt) to here in the US of A. Now while the "current" Administration seems to believe in a more European style of Government...I think between the riots in France, PIGG countries blowing up financially, Iceland both financially & literally blowing it's stack, & of course the Germans coming out saying...that multi-culturlism is not working out so great for them...that many here kinda want to stick to the "American Way". I just don't believe that rioting in the streets & lighting them up on fire is going to catch on here. For one reason...while we love to protest...we seem to like to do it with signs & chants. That might be due to the whole free speech thing that we embrace. We also may not want to mess with our Police forces here. They are well trained...highly disciplined...& quite effective. Plus...if things got so out of hand that the National Guard gets called in...are the Unions & Students really going to want & mess with them? I think not. Remember the National Guard these days are not made up of ROTC guys & local Hunters...but battle hardened vets from the "stan" & "raq"...not the best guys to mess with. Plus it would be a debacle for the Unions who are losing local support. Can you just imagine if some Union workers threw a Molotov cocktail into a bank and ended up killing a few people including a pregnant woman (it happened in Greece during their riots...I hope they caught him & lit him on fire...hosed off...repeat as necessary) ... it would not be received too well. If we can manage to do million man marches, tea-parties, anti-war, anti-mosque, protests etc...I think we can manage to keep excersing our freedom of speech to bring about change...& when that doesn't'm pretty sure most in Government are aware of our 2nd amendment if they try & mess with our First Amendment :)


I'm running for Guv'nor of NY!

Dear Readers,

I am running for Guv'nor of NY & will need your help & support to hope to bring about change. Please note I'm not talking bout a senior position of Gov'nor over Mayor in 4 square here...I'm talking about Gov'nor of NY. I will running under the No-Longer-Funemployed-But-Still-Blogging-Party. Now while I may lack the experience & Law degree of Andy C, lack the Military & Martial Arts training of a Jimmy McMillian (Rent Too High Party), the connections, business success, insanity of a Paladino, or the total lameness of a listless Lazio I do have some super awesome ideas & am more then capable of making others laugh while making a fool of myself. Which seems to be what you need these days to get on the ballot. The changes I hope to bring about are...

I will outlaw Street Fairs! They do nothing but totally screw up & clog up streets which results in massive traffic congestion & re-routed buses. So find somewhere else to buy socks, sheets, sausage & funnel a store or mall! 

Legalize Ganja...but tax the hell out of it! While I'm not a user I'm sorry but it's not the gateway drug, alcohol is...and if the Fed comes after my booze...I will break out my 2nd amendment rights! Seriously...I will be able to fund every program we need off of this.

All other drugs...will come down like hammer of God on you. If you sell drugs to kids...u get executed (read: impaled)

Ban Unions. I'm sorry but the days of locking doors so men, woman, & children stuck in fire traps are over for the most part (there still are sweat shops). The Unions protect no one. All they do is guarantee people jobs even if they don't do them properly & then give them raises & pensions. Those days are over. Earn your jobs & get screwed ever when you are excelling at your jobs like the rest of us poor slobs in the Private Sector. Private sector jobs are down...Public are up...Private earning are down...Public are up...need I say more?

Pedophiles - Executed. No desire to try & reform or understand monsters with screwed up wiring. A cyber team aimed at hunting them down within the NYPD will be formed.

Enforced Exercise - All will be required at least 45 minutes 3X per week. That's 45 mins of exercise...not looking at others butts in the mirrors. I don't care if you run, lift, swim, play basketball or will do something to keep in shape. Your ancestors did so for survival...we are built & wired for will JUST DO IT!You will feel better, look better, work better & will save millions in Healthcare. Feel free to smoke, eat sugar, salt etc...but you will work it off fatso!

Free Ice Cream Wednesdays! That's exercise...I tax weed...everyone gets a free scoop! 

I will solve the homeless problem. I will deport them to the Western States. Plenty of open free land. Basic skills will be taught by the Army so they can build homes, hunt & farm.

I will annex the beaches of the Jersey Shore & execute the cast, writers, producers & directors of Jersey Shore (being green...impaled on used but cleaned up iron rods). Since I will have the 10th largest Army in the world at my disposal...might as well use'em & I'm a big beach guy. Again, only the beaches...those of you from NJ...can keep all the rest of your lovely state

I will invade Canada. Again, the NYPD is the 10th largest army in the world...use it or lose it. Canada has loads of natural resources, great beer, & loads of beautiful B level actress's (ie Pam Anderson & the like) who end up on US TV shows or strip joints. Plus as an added bonus...greater national security with Joe Arpaio the former Arizonian Sheriff manning up the Canadian border for me.

Mexico...that will depend on how negotiations go with Washington DC in it's current state of disarray.

So vote for me on the  No-Longer-Funemployed-But-Still-Blogging-Party on November 2nd!

I am Hunter's Deep Thoughts...& I endorse this message