Friday, December 4, 2009

Jews, Muslims, Buddists, Hindu's, Zoroastrians,Wicans, for Christmas...

I have never understood for the life of me why "progressives" need to make such a big deal & stink about Christmas & it's various symbols over the last few years. Do they really have nothing better to do? Are they just jealous & bitter? What part of "freedom of religion" do these people not understand? Is Santa Claus that offensive?!? The manger scenes?!? Rudolf?!? While the holiday is based upon a significant event to Christians, Christmas to me has always been for everyone(I've yet to be corrected otherwise). You would have to blame this on my Father. As kids we were given Christmas presents, & next to our Menorah my father put up a miniature tree, Santa Claus, & Rudolf. He considered Christmas the celebration of brotherhood among all men (it was the 60-70's so yes you can add in Sisterhood & women if you like). I have always viewed it that way as well.

I like Christmas windows in stores, decorations on peoples homes, Christmas parties, Christmas shows & songs (many written by "the people of the old book" & the festive mood. It generally is a happy time of year that puts people in a good mood(we would all be better off if the Christmas season lasted all year long). No one has ever excluded me or anyone else I know from enjoying the holiday. I like wishing people "Merry Christmas" if I know they celebrate Hanukkah I wish them a Happy Hanukkah, Good Kwanzaa, etc... What's the problem with putting up lights & a Santa, a Menorah in the window, a Mazoa basket out on a table?!?

If you really hate Christmas & it's symbols soooo much that you have to ruin it for the rest of us...please leave the country.!No one is holding you here...this isn't Iran, North Korea etc...leave, go there (have you started packing yet?) I'm pretty sure they don't celebrate Christmas in N. Korea...they might in Iran though...not sure. So..either deal with the holiday cheer, smile when you see the decorations, wish someone a Merry or a Happy..or please leave the rest of us alone to observe our "silly" holidays & enjoy your superior enlightened progressive ways somewhere else (are you still here? do you need help with a flight? bus ticket to the airport...goodbye...good riddance!) For those of you who do enjoy the holiday season...Happy Holidays to All(the holiday season for me starts on progressives celebrate Thanksgiving or is that next on the hit list?)!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What do you get when you combine 3 Navy SEALS,1 Army Army psychiatrist ...

Here's a brain teaser for you...

Q. What do you get when you combine 3 Navy SEALS,1 Army Psychiatrist, I "alleged" Terrorist, 12 dead & 31 wounded US Army soldiers? Well while the jury is still pun intended you get

A. 3 Courts Martial & an Insanity plea!

While I'm sure most of you heard about the attack at Ft Hood in Texas by a US Army Psychiatrist who was responsible for working with US Army personal to deal with their issues & upon receiving orders to deploy went on a killing rampage murdering 12 in cold blood & wounding 31 (his Lawyers are planning on going with an insanity plea to get him off. Of course he's insane...he also needs to be executed for treason along with manslaughter) have you heard about the "mastermind" behind the murder of 4 Blackwater contractors who "claims" he received a bloody lip from being beaten by his captors on the battlefield? Yes, the guy who killed, tortured, lit on fire, & strung up 2 in Fallujah is claiming he got a bloody lip from his Navy Seal captors. Plus, it's unclear if it happened in the first place or when...while they were trying to apprehend him, transport him, while in captivity...

First off...Navy Seals are trained to kill with their bare hands. To get a bloody lip, at best one of the SEALS would have had at best given the "alleged terrorist" a light slap. Anything else would have done far more damage. Again, we are talking a bloody lip...not sodomized & burned with a hot pipe...a bloody lip..Even if they did the above he would have deserved it & worse...but if the SEALS did that I could understand an inquiry for doing something that stupid. But...a bloody lip...I don't know even if it did happen which I'm guessing it didn't...did he spit at them after he threw feces at them while saying things about their Mothers?!? (like the innocent freedom farmers do in Guantanamo while we cloth, feed,allow prayer, & provide full health care benefits) Have we gone completely insane? For the record it seems the SEALS turned down what is called a Captains is a non-judicial punishment. It is also considered to be admitting guilt even if you are innocent. Which is why they requested the court martial. This is disgusting beyond the pale. The trial date is December 7th. I will save my judgement for now & wait for this case to unfold. It is stories like these that are making me question if we have completely lost sight of our countries values & rules of law. Our laws are to prevent the innocent from tyranny...not to protect cold blooded killers from our justice system so we can come across as politically correct to illiterate religious fanatics on the street or pseudo intellectuals living in ivory towers with no grasp on reality!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Reduce IAEA cooperation?

When exactly did the Mullah's (notice I say Mullah's, not the people of Iran...their interests do not seem to align)cooperate with the IAEA ( International Atomic Energy Agency) in the first place? They fully intend on developing nuclear warheads because they want to be the major power broker in the region. So big deal if they no longer adhere to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. From the views of the Mullah's it's simply not in their national interests. Now maybe if they were ruled by a Democracy(ie India) vs a Theocracy(Iran) who believe that chaos & civil war are necessary to bring forth their savor (for the record, they are not the only ones) we might not be as adamant about stopping them.

Of course if they get nukes their Arab neighbors (who hate Persians(Iranians) & vice versa will lead to numerous countries loaded with oil & religious fanatics armed with WMD. Most likely...not a great combination for anybody, anywhere regardless of your political or religious beliefs & views. So when exactly are our "friends" the Chinese & Russians going to get it though their heads that there might be better ways to find leverage against the Yankee Imperialists (USA!USA!USA!) then letting the Mullahs get their hands on nukes which could lead to Terrorists (not freedom fighters) getting their hands on dirty bombs which could go off anywhere at anytime?