Friday, September 18, 2009

HealthCare Reform II

I don't want to pay for fat stupid people who don't exercise, overeat, & smoke...furthermore why should I or you?!? What ever happened to personal responsibility & common sense? We know what causes obesity & we know many ways to fight it....DIET & EXERCISE.

We know the results of long term smoking...& how to fight it...STOP SMOKING.

If you, I, & everyone else would watch their diet, exercise, not smoke etc... we would greatly reduce the needs to constantly go to doctors & take prescription drugs.

Furthermore...even though this could be a separate blog...we take way too many unnecessary prescription drugs. People overdose their kids with a variety of pills & then there are those who are doped up on anti-depressants.

If we want to solve healthcare instead of relying on the gov't to come up with a about we start living healthier lifestyles & take some responsibility. Just a thought. For the record I practice what I preach...