Friday, July 23, 2010

Like Lightning...Like Thunder

As I watch the sky light up with lightning & the sound of thunder I wonder when do we go from being scared of the sound of thunder & the flash of lightning to absolutely loving it? I can't say I remember being scared of them...but I'm guessing at some point as a child I was, most are. However, now & as  far back as I can remember I have loved the sound of thunder & the accompanying light show. It's like Natures/God's (your choice) fireworks. I love the shape of the lighting strikes & boom of the thunder...the louder...the mo" better. As a child we don't realize that the thunder is just a loud sound while the lightning can actually be deadly (rarely yes...but do you want to be on the wrong side of the statistics?) We are aware of this as an adult yet no longer fear them. Could be with the fear of the unknown removed & the knowledge of how to avoid the danger of lightning there is less to fear. Of course if one is out at sea or in the rain & exposed on a field & actually sees lightning strike & hears the rumbling of the thunder...does one not find themselves wishing they were safe & sound under the covers...

For your listening pleasure...check out the link to the song...Drive like Lightning-Crash like Thunder...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Oh yeah...stay in tonight...relax...just pop by gallery...Imagine that...

On my way Thursday night to catch up with some friends at a gallery event in Soho at Martin Lawrence (I have a Bertho & Felix Mas from them) I stop by the Peter Lik gallery to check out a couple of pieces for my brother. If you're not familiar with Peter Lik's work...think sunsets in Hawaii with waves crashing on the beach...shafts of light streaming through a multi-colored canyon, a long wooden dock leading out to beautiful crystal clear blue gelatin like water etc...check out the site if your interest has been piqued...

Now while I am a fan of his work, I'm into photography myself & I have a pretty good eye, some understanding of lighting & the ability to compose a pic.  Nowhere near his level...but I've been to some pretty cool places & have some pretty sweet shots. So for the most part I usually went into his gallery more for inspiration & to check out his new work. This time for better or for worse while checking out the pieces for my Brother I make the mistake of asking Gabby the art consultant helping me if anything new has come in. As it turns out a new piece is being unveiled on Saturday night if I'd like to stop by, it's along the lines of the beach shots I'm looking at.

Saturday rolls around & I decide to stay in & relax after returning from Barcelona & the Costa Brava (blogs with pics to come...hope the anticipation isn't killing any of you) & being out the last couple of nights. Plus it's so hot & humid you can melt... I see no reason to leave the sanctuary of my roof top pool. I end up getting an email from the gallery with the info for my brother & a peak at the new work. After doing my laps (if you are exercise I've found yet) I decide...I still want to stay in & chillax...but shooting down to Soho...having a drink or two (vs drink or 5+)...look at the new work & the piece for my bro, then go home early...gets me out for a happy medium.

Well the piece on my computer was somehow drawing me into I should have been smart enough to stay in...because in person it really got to me. It didn't help the situation (as in  the combination of circumstances at a given time vs what some brain dead moron refers to as his abdominals) that Gabby & Laura the Art Consultants are both good looking & looked great in their LBD's.

Next thing I know I'm in one of the viewing rooms looking at the piece in multiple sizes & frame & mat options. I end up not only going with the piece... but in a larger size then I planned. It's going to take up a good chunk of the wall behind my bed. I just hope that I or any "guests" don't try to jump into the photograph. Why you ask? The piece I purchased is named Imagine...It is a pic of a sand cay with a white Umbrella on it with crystal clear water surrounding & lapping at it with a strip of blue sky & clouds behind it. The earlier comment I made about jumping into the picture was based upon a conversation I had with a 8-10 year old kid that walked into the viewing room drawn in by the pics...luckily after Gabby walked out with my AMEX card. Kids being kids always say what's right on there minds. He kept saying WOW these pictures look so real! I was like...well they are real photographs...He's said...Oh I's just that the one with the water & little island (Imagine) looks like you can jump right into the water in it! He's's one of the reasons I purchased it. He then asks "how much it is". I was kinda curious just what would a kid who is out with his parents in Soho value a photograph at. I had no idea what he would say...I'm thinking $100...$1,000...more? He says "I think it's worth at least a million...maybe even more!" Thank the Baby Jesus neither Gabby or Laura were around for that comment...

Shortly after they walk in to finish the deal, go over the paperwork & as an added bonus give me Peter's book of pics from Australia. They ask me "how excited I am" ...I of course say...well I guess once I get it up on my wall I'm sure I will be... (I'm in when I close a deal...I get excited...when I buy something...more fun...not sure if as exciting). Plus... I did just stop by the other day to check something out for my Bro...& I really just wanted to stay in & watch must see Tivo'ed TV...yet I end up popping out & dropping $$$$ on a which Laura oh so eloquently says..."it wouldn't be a Saturday night if you didn' would it?"...I guess not...but then again does it really need to be a Saturday night for me to do something impetuous, reckless, off the cuff...just for the hell of it...etc...I mean...just Imagine that...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Cami Secret...where have you been all my life!

I am both blessed & cursed with for lack of a better phase...a spectacular voluptuous pair of pecs. Oh how life can be such a double edged sword! Now while topless at the beach in Barcelona or in Nice or in a T-shirt or Polo over the weekend not really an issue. However in the workplace or even sometimes out at night in can be. Even with a well cut or custom cut shirt I usually have to open more then the top button to accommodate my chest trying to burst through my button downed shirt. What am I to do...getting grief & snide remarks about how I have have my chest out with my medallion/shield (Star of David) popping out! Well now thanks to Cami-Secret my problem is finally solved! I just slip on Cami-Secret under my shirt & attach it to either side & now I look classy vs trashy! Plus it comes in 6 practical easy to match colors! It's lightweight...looks great...& it's easy to take off if after work I want to let loose! Oh Cami-Secret...where have you been all my life!