Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is the cost of being PC?!?'s not "priceless" by a long shot. Recently it's been as expensive as it gets, it cost 13 lives including a pregnant woman's, the loss of Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters, Grandchildren, Cousins, Friends, Neighbors, C0-Workers, etc...Let's not forget the 42 wounded & the trauma suffered by those who experienced it & have to live with it's repercussions now. It was very expensive & what's should never have happened.

The FBI & his superiors in the Army knew of his actions & they took no action because they were worried about offending the Muslim community. Well...I'm guessing this isn't helping loyal Americans who practice the Muslim religion now... is it?!?

There is an old saying "if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck & quacks like a's a duck". Well Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan ...see below

  • Communicated with a known radical Imam in Yemen (spreads jihad from his website) ..."for research"
  • Lived in squalor...but made six figures & was given a housing allowance on top of it"where did the money go?
  • Shouted "Allah Akbar" while calmly unloading 100 bullets into unarmed victims...
  • Questioned if it is OK to kill Muslims...It's NOT OK TO KILL ANYONE...HELLO!!!
  • He wanted out of the army...Why was he not discharged?
  • He said soldiers were admitting to war crimes. Maybe they did..maybe they didn't...killing 13 innocents did what?!?
  • Had business cards with the title of Solider of that what they call doctors in the Army?!?
  • He was promoted when he should have been let go.
  • He had been reported on by fellow Doctors for expressing radical thoughts...but no one wanted to end their career over pushing it
  • Purchased handguns off the base. He couldn't get one in the Army?!?
I don't know nor will I speculate on whether he did this alone or with help in the planning. Is he crazy...likely yes...Did he get caught up in radical would seem so... what motivated him I cannot imagine...but I think it's safe to say if it looks, walks, & talks like a usually is one...

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