Thursday, November 19, 2009

Shape of things to come...?

Recently the US Preventative Services Task Force came out with a study that said woman should wait until they are 50 to start getting their mammograms instead of at 40 & that Doctors should stop teaching woman to check themselves. read the last part right. Primary care physicians should stop teaching woman how to check themselves. Doctors were outraged as were most women. The first part about woman waiting until they are 50 sounds like a cost cutting effort...a shape of things to come so to speak. The second point I really don't get. What did the study find... that people are too stupid to check for lump themselves? If they do think they have one & are wrong I'm guessing a regular check up with a Doctor should take care of this. What ever happened to "better safe then sorry"?!? As of today they are now reversing their position & saying woman should discuss when, if, & how early & often with their primary care physicians. Thank you geniuses of the USPSTF. How much taxpayer money will you waste on your next genius study? What's next Doctors will wait till men are 50 before checking us for prostate or testicular cancer? I'll have to wait till I'm 50 for my Doctor to fondle my testes & digitally (not digital like computer...digits as in fingers) probe me...say it ain't so!

Please note that while I wanted to end this on a light note I am more then aware of the seriousness of this. Before we vote on a 2000+ page bill...we better know the real ramifications of the policies. The mentality that some of these organizations are preaching against educating us on how to look for early warning signs & looking to make policy that looks like it's favoring financial factors over life & death seems like a move in the wrong direction...regardless what side of the aisle you sit on...

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