Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Great Balls of Fire...

I'm not really sure what level of absolute total insanity you have to be to stuff a condom filled with PETN a high explosive in your panties(& you're male) & then inject it with a hypodermic needle loaded with something like nitro-g to blow yourself & a plane full of innocent civilians up. The only other people I can think of this crazy sit on top of a nuke & explode it underneath themselves with the help & support of their co-workers. Of course they are called Astronauts & their goal is to continue man's insatiable drive to explore & find ways to further enrich our lives. These men could not be any further apart which is why I ask how can some men have such incredible courage to take the risks that an Astronaut takes to better mankind while others are so weak, crazy, despondent & pathetic that they would do such harm themselves physically & psychologically & to others...?

Since much has been written already on this I'm not going to go to deep into Janet N claiming that the Homeland Security policies worked (then stating they failed...oh really!?!)...they failed miserably. We got lucky ...again. The last time we got so lucky was 2-26-93. The WTC was hit by a car bomb in the underground garage. 6 people were murdered & over 1,000 wounded(not really so lucky after all). It wasn't what worked...it was what didn't work..the explosive device. If it did 300+ on the plane would have died along with whatever damage the raining debris from the plane caused. On top of this it has been reported that guests of a certain hotel that starts with a G in sunny Cuba who were released were involved. The Imam that a certain Army Doctor who worked at Ft Hood (up until his shooting spree) also seems to be involved. Playing nice, being politically correct & trying to rehabilitate these poor lost souls doesn't seem to work too well. While Armed Force is not the only answer...it is a highly effective tool when used properly. We can't keep "hoping" that this will stop, that people will like us (Clinton was President in 93 & was well liked globally as was his predecessor Bush Sr & we still got hit) & we keep getting lucky. We need to wake up & realize that it's not going to go away until the International community no longer accepts it, rises up against it crushes it while simultaneously the leaders & the common people within the communities that produce these fanatics start taking steps to stop their children from having their minds poisoned by religious fanaticism & turned into human weapons killing innocent civilians & accomplishing nothing but creating news headlines while putting their own families & friends lives at risk from certain retaliation. So much for me not going too deep...

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