Saturday, December 19, 2009

Avatar 3D Digital Deep Thoughts

Magical...might be the best way to describe the experience of seeing Avatar in Digital 3D. It would have been a great Sci-Fi flick in 2D, but in 3D it's out of this world. I've literally never seen anything quite like this (must be the equivalent of what is was like for our parents & grandparents when they saw the Wizard of Oz) & I'm a pretty big movie buff. Star Trek was awesome..but that was like watching a great movie...Avatar in 3D is like being immersed within the world of Pandora(the planet in the movie) while riding on a roller-coaster. I think it's safe to say that with this movie & the technology created to make it (he wrote the story 15 years ago & spent over 4yrs developing the technology to film it...something to be said for taking ones one to do something right vs just rolling out garbage ...P.S. this applies to the Financial community & Government (both parties) to appease the masses) will both save & revitalize the theater going experience. While more & more people are watching movies on their 50+ plasma via netflixed blu-ray tech...a movie like this really needs to be seen on the big kudos Mr. Cameron. Kudos as well to Zoe Saldana as the female lead(between this & Uhura in Star Trek she's the new Sci-Fi action hottie..& she can act) Sam Worthington as Jack Scully who seems to be the hero in every other film out now, Michelle Rodriguez playing like no other a mean latina chica Michelle Rodriguez (is she our female Tom Cruise?!?even though Ben Stiller does do Tom better then Tom in all fairness) & of course the Grandmother of action sci-fi heroines Sigouney Weaver.

I think it's safe to say that you don't even need to like Sci-Fi to enjoy this movie. With the exception of very young children, Sci-Fi haters, & English Lit majors who become critics who think movie's like Antichrist are fine art & are what the movie experience is about...this movie should appeal to most everyone else.

Now one thing I do feel I need to point out is that there is a fairly heavy handed Liberal "air" to this film. While I agree with the Eco spin that we shouldn't be destroying the forests to rip open the earth to mine it's resources for monetary gain...trying to allude that this is like America's adventure/misadventure in Iraq by representing Humanity as a bunch of greedy smarmy Haliburton employees backed up by Blackwater muscle (portrayed as mean, roided-out retards...led by a misguided gung-ho psycho {played brilliantly by Steven Lang...he's turning into the new Robert Duvall/Clint Eastwood old school harda$$ these days}) with some tree hugging scientists who "just don't get it" out to rape resources from the humanoid inhabitants of Pandora the Navi(think what if we evolved from Felines, were blue,very tall, lean supermodels & lived liked the American Indians of the Plains) who inhabit a rain-forest like lush gorgeous vibrant biologically diverse world with the deserts of the Middle East & it's local residents (the House of Saud, ex-house of Saddam, & the Mullahs of Iran don't seem to mind pumping their precious black gold out of the ground & selling it to various multi-nationals to refine for them to fund their various "causes) & using phrases like "terror for terror" & shock & awe tactics as utterly ridiculous & ludicrous. Better examples would be what the Europeans did all over the world, what China is doing in Africa today & what we, the USA did via United Fruit to Latin America. Actually the best analogy would be what if the Russia of today's Gazprom(Russia largest company & worlds largest extractor of natural gas) & it's private Army(yes it actually does have it's own) backed up by mercenaries comprised primarily of ex-Spetnaz (Russia's Special Forces) troops looking for new blood after Chechnya traveled through time ( time travel in a Cameron Sci-Fi flick) back to the North America of the 16-1700's & tore up the countryside for it's natural resources while slaughtering American Indians might be a somewhat more accurate analogy. Next time Jim...either be a bit more subtle & thought provoking with your political messages or save them for dinner party conversations with your fellow travellers at your 20,000 square "carbon foot-printed" compounds that you arrive at in your Hummer "gas-guzzling" Limos to drink Jeroboams of imported French wines while being served gourmet imported delicacies vs. locally sourced food...reality really is a b.....ain't it just?!? that I got that out of my system...absolutely amazing movie experience that not only has mind numbing crazy awesome special effects but a good story as well. The movie just keeps getting better & better the whole time as more of the world of Pandora is revealed...enjoy...& then go & see it again! As a very special holiday gift to my readers here's the link to the first scenes from the sequel (it's actually Spoiler Free...

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