Sunday, April 25, 2010


Is there life out there among the stars...I would argue yes & I'm no Steve Hawkings. However, I don't think it takes a genius like Hawkings or an MIT mathematician to figure that considering how many stars we have identified that there is a good chance...that we are far from alone. Now while we would love to meet them...would they be friendly? Would like like to meet us...or eat us (Twilight Zone classic: To Serve Man...aliens come down...we get our hands on book...titled to serve man..turns out to be cookbook!)?

Hawking believes we are best off to hope they don't find us because most likely they would be out searching for resources & be more likely to take ours vs. giving us Healthcare & Unlimited Cold Fusion Pollution less power. He comes to this conclusion basing it on our past. Whether alien life forms would look anything like us, need our resources or think anything like us is anyone's guess.

I've always believed that aliens are out there & they travel among the stars as we travel around the planet. I think they observe places where they find life & most likely visit. Now if they are so advanced as to travel from star system to star system one thing would be fairly obvious to them about us. We are bloodthirsty killers & best to keep away from. They would have seen that from our ancestors...they would see it watching us now. So unless they have a way & desire to vaporise us & still get the resources they want...for the time being we are safe. If they do...we could be gone tomorrow & never know what hit us. If they are good natured...they would be smart enough to keep away from a bunch of stupid apes that would shoot whatever they had at them. If may just get to meet a real live alien...right after he selects you off the menu & has you plucked out of the tank for his/her/it's dinner...

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