Wednesday, June 2, 2010

O...might just be time to call Joe...

One of the many things my Father taught me was one-upmanship.Having said that I just don't get why Obama is getting so much grief over the BP oil disaster. Stay with me here...While he may have many degrees & awards...I don't believe Nautical Engineering is one of them. While he has a tendency to set up a committee for everything & be a little less decisive then I would like...I can't imagine that he is not trying to do everything he can do to get this mess fixed. I think what is happening here is funny enough...what happened to W with Katrina. Which for the record was not W's fault(unless of course you believe in the Halliburton Weather Machine conspiracy or are a total ideologue not capable of rational thought) that a hurricane hit a city built on a swamp. Nor is it his fault that the city of New Orleans...which I do love & consider one of the worlds great also rife with poverty, crime, & lack of proper public education. The city of NO & the state of Louisiana were the ones who screwed up. The only organization that got anything right was the Coast Guard who conducted a super-heroic rescue operation & got next to no credit by the left wing media for all the lives they saved. W was attacked over Katrina because of anger over the wars & economy. Obama is getting hit for the all the frustration with the economy, Healthcare, handling of International matters etc. The thing is blaming him over BP accomplishes nothing just as blaming W over Katrina was absolutely moronic. Maybe if we held our public officials accountable for their responsibilities & stopped attacking them over everything we might get something done. We need to stop being so damn partisan all the time & start being more patriotic.

Now in what O likes to call a teaching moment I as a patriot first will offer a suggestion to possibly fix the BP mess. need to take off your academic & politician hats & just put on your "guy" hat. Stop looking at the problem as so complex (not that it's not) & look at the BP disaster for what it is...a pipe cracked & it is leaking...O...who do you call when a pipe breaks & you have a leak? You call a Plumber...that's right Joe the Plumber...

As a final thought with hurricane season coming...I'm guessing O might really be regretting making the following quote...

This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

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