Last week suicide bombers blew themselves up on two different subways in Moscow taking 40 innocent civilians with them as well as wounding 90 others. More troubling is the fact that the bombers were women. Known as the Brides of Allah or as the Russian newspapers call them the Black Widows, they gained notoriety in their participation in the the Moscow theater hostage crisis (which was a total disaster). Men doing this is sick enough as is...but recruiting women to do this s even more disgusting. Do they get promised 72 virgins as well?!? Female many of you think having 72 virgins to service you throughout eternity would be something you would actually want? Eternity with 72 clueless, horny idiots not knowing what the hell they are doing forever? Yeah...I'm guessing many of you are planning on signing up now.
On top of this what are they hoping to achieve? Putin rose to power by going after the Chechen's & not willing to give an inch. How does killing innocent civilians who may side with the Chechen's right to their own country help? People who could vote for reforms to help them(then again...this is Russia...they get to vote...not sure how much good it does). Don't they realize that Putin is only going to send vicious Special Forces troops into their cities & villagers to slaughter them to send a message back? He could care less about the loss of life on either side. Just his own power base. This is the guy who during the opening night of the Olympics(where we are supposed to gather to show unity) rolled his tanks into the Republic of Georgia! A KGB thug who is now a Billionaire & runs their gas & oil companies & controls the newspapers. He's not an American present concerned about what the papers write, this is a guy who suppresses the news & when a Journalist writes something he doesn't like has them killed in cold blood on the street.
The combination of the Chechen's using the fringe element fanatical Muslims to launch these attacks to try to achieve their goals & a Russian Czar who is more then happy to use full lethal force is a disaster caught in an endless loop of violence with no apparent end. For the record...I did a little research & the issues between the Chechen's & Mother Russia go back over 300 years...and we thought we had trouble here. Just remember our internal issues aside, it is our tolerance & desire to integrate various cultures that make America the shining beacon that it still is & has always been.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing...

The Chinese have an ancient proverb (actually, they have many) "A picture says a thousand words". Well I guess it's safe to say that the totally candid unsolicited picture of Obama holding a book by Mitt Romney (he had Dick Morris's latest book as well in his shopping cart) shows proof that Obama is not an Ultra Left Winger much less a Socialist like many claim. He is actually a Right Wing creation of his real mentor....Karl Rove! His voting record being the most Liberal on record was a mere ploy as well as the photo op & photo shopped pics of him with Reverend Wright, unreformed terrorist Bill Ayers, etc... You say this is crazy talk...really..then lets look at a few hard documented facts...
He ran on ending the wars & closing Gitmo...
- Are we still in Iraq? Yes.
- Are we still in Afghanistan? Yes & he ordered a surge of 30,000 troops!
- Have we closed Gitmo? No
- Are we still using Drones? Not only is Big O using Predator drones...he is using them far more often then W...and W thought they were a mission on COD Modern Warfare 2 & used to play all night with Rove...& Obama is still using them more!
- Are we still using rendition? Yes
He ran on fixing the Economy...
- He purchased a bunch of car companies
- He purchased a bunch of Investment Banks
- He took over the Health Care Industry
What Liberal Democrat buys businesses? They put our money into unprofitable Gov't ennablement programs, they don't buy businesses to make profits!
He ran on Health Care reform
- Public Option? No
- Abortions funded? No
- Left wing of Democratic Party happy? No
- Michael Moore happy(the other leg, breast, & wing of the party)? No
He ran on fixing the World that W Broke
- Good relation with the UK? No
- Good relations with Israel? No
- Better relations with Iran? No
- Better relations with N.Korea? No (but great photo op for Billy C)
- Appointed Americas darling Hilary Clinton as Secretary of State....Hugo Chavez refers to her as Blondaleeza!!!
Does the saying keep your friends close & your enemies closer come to mind to any of you?!? Of course this is why he is pissing off the Brits & Israeli''s to bring our real enemies in...(no not Islamic fanatics...our real enemies...the...Visitors!!!)
Facts are facts...feel free to dispute them...but you may just want to check them out first. Plus, why else would someone as intelligent as Obama pick someone like Biden as his Veep...unless to draw distraction & cover...
I will leave you with another ancient Chinese proverb(or is it curse?) "May you live in interesting times"...
Global Wetting...
It looks as if things for Gaia (Mother Earth) are going from bad to worse to wet...First Gaia got hit by "global warming" a drastic change in temperature across the globe brought on by overweight Americans driving around in gas-guzzling SUV's while eating fast food, drinking sugar enriched soda on cellphones in between puffs of various substances & emitting various noxious gases that polluted the atmosphere. The result...glaciers melted, rivers dried up, oceans evaporated before our eyes. Then seeming out of nowhere "global warming" all of a sudden turned in "climate change" & while Elitists from around the world descended on Davos to save mankind from itself...they had trouble getting home due to snow storms. The Polar Bear went from barely able to find a floe of ice to lie on to greater access to land masses in the Arctic & are now munching on Eskimo's for breakfast, lunch/brunch, dinner. This change from "global warming" to Global Climate change" is most likely due to Gaia reacting to global warming & launching her defenses like any organism to save itself. comes "Global Wetting" as we are deluged by rainstorm after rainstorm washing away all the "global climate change". Most likely this was caused by the chain-reaction of "global warming" to all of a sudden "global climate change". Now please note that "global wetting" is based upon hard empirical evidence. Feel free to Google this yourself but it rained twice as much as normal this March & blew away previously recorded records.
I contacted America's very own Michelangelo Da Vinci..the one & only Al Gore. The man who single handledly invented the Internet while uncovering "global warming" while winning a Nobel Peace prize while VPing for Billy & asked him...after inventing...I mean discovering "global warming" then realizing it was actually global climate change...what's next after global wetting?!? Al told me that even as we speak John Edwards is working with the top ex MIT students who became ex hedge fund algo engineers to discover what great cataclysmic climate event will make him the most money while winning him the most Nobel Prizes...I mean what changes to the earth has man wroth upon himself now?!? Stay tuned loyal readers for exclusive insights into what stocks to buy to hedge against the next climatic event...from the one & only Shia LeBouf who in an exclusive GQ interview has revealed that after playing a Hedge Fund Manager in an upcoming movie he is now the next Steve Cohen, Tudor, Paulson all rolled into one. In the meantime go out & purchase some Wellington's to go with your Gore-tex gear...& good luck out there...
I contacted America's very own Michelangelo Da Vinci..the one & only Al Gore. The man who single handledly invented the Internet while uncovering "global warming" while winning a Nobel Peace prize while VPing for Billy & asked him...after inventing...I mean discovering "global warming" then realizing it was actually global climate change...what's next after global wetting?!? Al told me that even as we speak John Edwards is working with the top ex MIT students who became ex hedge fund algo engineers to discover what great cataclysmic climate event will make him the most money while winning him the most Nobel Prizes...I mean what changes to the earth has man wroth upon himself now?!? Stay tuned loyal readers for exclusive insights into what stocks to buy to hedge against the next climatic event...from the one & only Shia LeBouf who in an exclusive GQ interview has revealed that after playing a Hedge Fund Manager in an upcoming movie he is now the next Steve Cohen, Tudor, Paulson all rolled into one. In the meantime go out & purchase some Wellington's to go with your Gore-tex gear...& good luck out there...
Monday, March 29, 2010
Cup-cakes & Hand-grenades...
This comes from the International stories flying under the radar file. You may have heard of "guns & butter" but have you heard of cup-cakes & hand grenades...I mean what could they they possibly have in common you ask? The Bhut Jolokia affectionately known as the Ghost Pepper from Northeastern India would be the answer. I first heard about them a few years ago in an article in a magazine(I read way too not sure which) . It was rated by far the hottest pepper in the world. Hot peppers are rated in Scoville units & the Ghost clocks in at 1,041,427 Scoville units! To put this in perspective a Jalapeno is a pathetic 8,000 & the oh so hot Habernaro wimps out at 325,000... In other words...ever make the mistake of rubbing your eyes after making salsa with a jalapeno & remember how good that felt...well do the math. I have yet to try ghost pepper hot sauce...but I have had chocolate cupcakes made with them (available at Pirisi in NYC see early blog for details). I love them & if you love chocolate & very spicy food it is a fantasy come true. If you don't love hot peppers & have a high tolerance for pain keep away. The other day I read an article that the Indian Government is going to have their military weaponize the pepper (I'm not making this up) by using it to make tear gas hand grenades. I cannot even begin to imagine how painful they are going to be & seriously wonder if they can do permanent damage. If they are going to use them for Spec Ops against Terrorists...more power to concern is if they use them for crowd control...which I'm guessing they are going to. The ghost pepper...on the one hand...if diluted properly a tasty but for not the faint of heart spice...on the other a PMD...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
ArtExpo 2010

While the economy may still be a disaster for most businesses...for the Art quote Lt. Aldo Raine "business is booming! The ArtExpo this year held at Pier 94 was awesome. A great selection of artists representing a variety of styles from around the world. There were red dots(means purchased) all over the walls. I went today the last day of the show because it's not as crazy & the best day to work deals. I ended up purchasing three works(pics attached )from three different artists...
Asencio who I think puts a tremendous amount of emotion to go along with the incredible way he captures beauty in his work. His art is classic & abstract at the same time & totally works. Really beautiful & stunning pieces. I didn't get to meet Asencio, but did get to spend some time with Ruth-Ann one of the sales people representing him & she was great(red silk & blue)
Echo who when you see the work you figure must be the work of a guy but actually of an attractive woman. She captures women from both a woman's point of view but really gets the male fantasy about women at the same time. The works have a classic element to them as well. Echo also shared with me how she came up with some of ideas for works & I really appreciated that(sun & waves)
Last but certainly not least was Chris Dellorco whose work I really love. He does a lot with mixing European architecture with classic beauty in many of his pieces. I also like that a lot of his works have a story in them. Great use of rich vibrant colors as well. Chris is a great guy & I had the opportunity both last year & this year to spend some time with him & his beautiful muse discussing his work. I'm looking forward to see his upcoming works featuring couples(sun silk)
An artist whose work I don't own yet but was very impressed by was Bill Mack. He works with a mix of mediums. check his stuff out at . There is also a lot of amazing work coming out of China that I've really been blown away by. I've seen some in a gallery in Soho on West B'way but at the show was showcasing a handful of artists...I really wish they had a bigger booth & hopefully the will next year. They are opening their first US gallery in SF this year. You really need to check out this website to see the great stuff coming out of China. They were kind enough to give me a book of the various artists works for free & I wish Grace & her team the best of luck. All in all a great show...except for the fact that I spent too much...but cannot wait for the new pieces for my collection to arrive...
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