For a change of pace I'm going to do brief write-ups on yesterdays election results from the Conservative, Progressive, & Independent points of view...& then of course my recap.
Ding-Dong the Witch is Dead
Nancy're FIRED! In an historic election the GOP with strong Tea-Party backing have taken back the House, made major progress in the Senate & won significant Governorships that will greatly impact the elections in 2012. The American people have sent a clear message to the President & his Administration...You need to "change"...we "hope" you understand you are elected to serve "We the People" & not your partisan interests.
They were just Local Elections
Once again the American people have spoken & they have made it clear that they want & support Obama's agenda to change! Yes, of course there were some local elections that have had a modest effect on the House. The sad thing is that there are still many uneducated, poorly informed by FOX, full of fear, ignorant Americans that want to continue to cling to their religion, guns & hard-earned wages that they are too stupid to know how to properly spend so "We" need to tax it away from them. While Party Leader Pelosi will no longer be Speaker of the House (now that it's full of Idiots who would want the job?) she can now concentrate on more important Party matters. With Harry Reid's slaughter of his rival in Nevada the Party remains strong! Of course a few Governorships in backwater states went to the GOP, but much like 09 when they won the Jersey Shore Garbage Soprano state of NJ & Scott Brown stole the election in MA...the real story was the HUGE win of NY23 by our party! This election has proven that we are moving the country in the proper direction & that 2012 will be a lock. It's almost not worth having the election other then to humiliate the GOP internationally with the historic landslide victory that yesterdays elections have clearly assured. More importantly though...will be come 2012 we will repeal the must misguided & reprehensible amendment ever passed...the 22nd Amendment! Once 22 is repealed we can continue re-shaping American in our glorious image!
The God Who Bleeds
In Kipling's classic The Man Who Would Be King an English Adventurer is mistaken for a God & treated as such. When it turns out that he can bleed & thus not a God...the people turn on him & he falls into a chasm. Well it looks like Obama can bleed. We "hoped" for "change" & voted for it. We didn't quite get the change we are looking for. Yesterdays elections gave us the chance to say so. We didn't just vote against Obama & his policies we voted against Washington. As did many others. The current Administration can no longer push through change that "We the People" do not want! They will need to learn to work with the House or come 2012 they will hear our voice again! Furthermore, now that the GOP has the house...they need to step up. They need to come up with real ideas that will contribute to fix our Economy. If not...they will hear from us as well! Government is elected by the people to serve the people...NOT the other way around!
I hope you all enjoyed my slightly over the top versions of how yesterday was likely viewed. From my humble point of view this is how I see it. A message was clearly sent to Obama that we are less then happy about what he's been up to & needs to change his direction. A message was also sent to the GOP. Get your act together & step up. More importantly I think most of us are sick to death of partisan politics. Our elected officials are elected to represent us...not what they think is good for us. The House win & Governorships were huge for the GOP & I'm glad the Democrats held onto the Senate. This both puts things in better balance & they have to work together. Plus with the Senate in Democratic hands Obama can't blame everything on the GOP if the Economy is still in the gutter. A real question here is can he pull a Clinton & "triangulate"? I'm not a fan of Slick Willie's..but you have to be a total fool not to respect his capabilities as a Politician. I don't know if Obama wants to in the first place or if he even can. I don't think he can do either. I would be fine if he proved me wrong.
Some other key things to take note of are:
40% of Americans are saying that they are with the Tea Party. I guess it's safe to say it's not a fringe movement & it's not going away so fast. Remember, it's named after the Boston Tea Party where we rebelled against "Taxation Without Representation". I hope ALL in Washington on either side of the aisle took note. Dismiss them at your own peril.
The Governorship wins do not bode well for the Democrats in 2012
Even most Republicans are still pissed off at the Republican party
Only a third of the seats were even up in the Senate in the first place
Californians voted to keep Barbara Boxer a Left Wing Zealot in while the state is bankrupt but shot down Proposition 19...are they all on crack?
Harry Reid kept his seat...which I think in the long run was a good thing. I'd rather have Harry in charge of the Democrats then Schumer...:)
I think Marco Rubio was clearly the rising star of the night...but was pretty impressed with Manchin as well.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Cuomo & hoping he brings change to NY. He could wind up with a star next to his name as well.
In the end we showed the world why we are the Greatest Nation on Earth. The American people spoke & they spoke loud. We elected "change" & 2 years later put it on notice. a very wise man once said "The game is afoot"