Wednesday, June 2, 2010

O...might just be time to call Joe...

One of the many things my Father taught me was one-upmanship.Having said that I just don't get why Obama is getting so much grief over the BP oil disaster. Stay with me here...While he may have many degrees & awards...I don't believe Nautical Engineering is one of them. While he has a tendency to set up a committee for everything & be a little less decisive then I would like...I can't imagine that he is not trying to do everything he can do to get this mess fixed. I think what is happening here is funny enough...what happened to W with Katrina. Which for the record was not W's fault(unless of course you believe in the Halliburton Weather Machine conspiracy or are a total ideologue not capable of rational thought) that a hurricane hit a city built on a swamp. Nor is it his fault that the city of New Orleans...which I do love & consider one of the worlds great also rife with poverty, crime, & lack of proper public education. The city of NO & the state of Louisiana were the ones who screwed up. The only organization that got anything right was the Coast Guard who conducted a super-heroic rescue operation & got next to no credit by the left wing media for all the lives they saved. W was attacked over Katrina because of anger over the wars & economy. Obama is getting hit for the all the frustration with the economy, Healthcare, handling of International matters etc. The thing is blaming him over BP accomplishes nothing just as blaming W over Katrina was absolutely moronic. Maybe if we held our public officials accountable for their responsibilities & stopped attacking them over everything we might get something done. We need to stop being so damn partisan all the time & start being more patriotic.

Now in what O likes to call a teaching moment I as a patriot first will offer a suggestion to possibly fix the BP mess. need to take off your academic & politician hats & just put on your "guy" hat. Stop looking at the problem as so complex (not that it's not) & look at the BP disaster for what it is...a pipe cracked & it is leaking...O...who do you call when a pipe breaks & you have a leak? You call a Plumber...that's right Joe the Plumber...

As a final thought with hurricane season coming...I'm guessing O might really be regretting making the following quote...

This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

Monday, May 31, 2010

Smoke on the Water...

North Korea torpedo's & sinks a South Korean ship which kills 46 sailors in a totally unprovoked attack. In most cases throughout history this would be an act of war. However, for the most part the world says next to nothing. Maybe a few condemnations here & there, but no protests or riots in the street over the cold blooded murder of 46 South Koreans. Most likely because North Korea is not so much a country but an abortion gone wrong that China uses as a proxy to keep the region off-kilter & China has made it clear it doesn't mind that the country is run by an insane inbred mental & physical freak.

Israel a sovereign nation has enacted a navel blockade to protect it's borders. Humanitarian aid to Gaza is sent on ships & ordered to by the Israeli Navy to leave their waters. They don't...of course. The Israeli's board with paint-ball guns to try to avoid bloodshed. They are attacked by the "humanitarian workers" with a variety of sharp & blunt handheld weapons. They defend themselves & many or wounded & some killed. Now at this point I don't know if all of these ship only had humanitarian aid or were smuggling weapons. I don't know for sure if all on board were "humanitarian workers" or if there were those on board with less then peaceful intentions. Considering the fact the Hamas & Hezbollah have played games like this before including using UN & Red Cross painted trucks to transport weapons & attack...the Israeli's may just have had good reasons to be skeptical & suspicious. Israel like any other country has the rights to protect their borders. The "humanitarian workers" could have delivered the goods into Egypt or Jordon. They sailed into Israeli waters to provoke an incident. If Israel let them pass...they would have looked weak & that doesn't lead to peace in the Mideast...just more violence. If the Israeli's boarded as the did...then a fight was picked to make the Israeli's look like the aggressors.

In this case the world had plenty to say...a list that while it has some friendly nations...has some of the biggest hypocrites & human rights violators in the world. This makes me absolutely sick. It's just great to see how alive & well anti-semitism is on the one hand & how the world lacks the balls to take on & confront the Chinese to coral a psychopath like "Dear Leader". China by the way is on the list below. Maybe they should shut up & put up. Dear Leader is their problem & they need to take care of him. When they are done with that monster...then maybe they can take a crack at Mideast peace.

Israel's actions drew condemnations or requests for explanation across Europe, the Arab world and the rest of the globe on Monday:

Britain: Foreign Secretary William Hague deplored the killings and called for an end to the Gaza blockade. In London, demonstrators protested the Israeli action.

China: A member of its permanent mission to the U.N. told an emergency Security Council meeting China was "shocked" by the attack on "a multinational convoy carrying international aid to Gaza which resulted in heavy casualties," and called for Security Council action.

Egypt: President Hosni Mubarak condemned Israel's "excessive and unjustified use of force against innocent civilians," state news agency MENA said. The government summoned Israel's ambassador, demanding an explanation for the violence.

European Union: Foreign-affairs chief Catherine Ashton called on Israel to carry out an inquiry.

France: President Nicolas Sarkozy said he "condemns a disproportionate use of force." Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said "nothing could justify the use of such violence." Riot police drove back hundreds of protesters demonstrating outside the Israeli Embassy in Paris.

Gaza: Ismail Haniyeh, leader of the Hamas government in Gaza, condemned the "brutal" Israeli attack and called on U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to intervene.

Germany: Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle called for an immediate investigation by a neutral party. He said the German Embassy was seeking information on six German citizens believed to have been aboard the ships.

Greece: Prime Minister George Papandreou condemned the military intervention. The government suspended a military exercise with Israel and postponed a visit by Israel's air force chief. In Athens, one of 20 Greek cities reporting protests, riot police used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse an estimated 2,500 Greeks and Arabs protesting outside the Israeli Embassy.

Iran: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called the raid "an inhuman act.'' Dozens of angry students pelted the United Nations offices in Tehran with stones and eggs, burning Israeli flags and chanting, "death to Israel" and "down with the U.S.''

Jordan: Hundreds of demonstrators urged the government to cut ties with Israel.

Lebanon: Several hundred Palestinian and Lebanese activists protested in front of the U.N. headquarters in Beirut, setting Israeli flags on fire.

Saudi Arabia: The cabinet called on the international community to hold Israel responsible for its "barbaric" policies.

Spain: Summoned Israel's ambassador, demanding an explanation for the violence, and condemned what it called the disproportionate use of force.

Switzerland: Called for an international inquiry and summoned Israel's ambassador.

Syria: Called for an Arab League meeting; the League condemned what it called a "terrorist act."

Turkey: Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel of "state terrorism." The Turkish government said it was withdrawing its ambassador to Israel, canceling three joint military drills and bringing home a Turkish youth soccer team currently in Israel. In Istanbul, a crowd tried to storm the Israeli consulate.

United Nations: Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the violence and called for a thorough investigation. The Security Council held an emergency meeting.

U.S.: President Barack Obama voiced "deep regret," and the White House said he urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to quickly collect all the facts about the incident.

West Bank: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the "massacre'' and declared three days of mourning across the West Bank.