It looks like our good friends & global partners the North Koreans are at it again. Like a spoiled rotten over-indulged teenage headcase whose parents don't know what or how to deal with...when they want attention or a bigger allowance they kick up a shit-storm & do something destructive & stupid. Now Dear Leader is firing off artillery on a South Korean Island & there have been casualties (read: dead civilians & military). The main reason seems to be a show of strength as he ushers in his retarded son to replace him due to the fact that Dear Leaders physical health is starting to deteriorate to the same point of his mental heath.
Once again what does anyone to nothing. He has 46 South Korean sailors killed...nothing...kills his own people...nothing...engages in all forms of illegal trade...drugs, counterfeiting, arms trade with rogue nations...nothing. Who's going to have to end up doing something? Take a guess...hint...when the world is in trouble who do they call for? When they do something on their own who do they decry? If you guessed America regardless of who & what party is sitting in the Oval Office you would be correct!
So my question is where is our other super awesome friend & global partner...China? If any country can really settle this problem it is China. Make no mistake...they have skin in this game. North Korea went from a proxy during the cold war to a bat-shit crazy nut for a neighbor. The Chinese already have a problem with NK's coming across the border & they don't want it to get worse. So why are they doing next to nothing you ask? Up till now it's been to keep as off balance & as leverage. The question is has North Korea finally crossed the line & can China continue to keep this mad dog on a leash before it bites & defecates all over it's owner...
For any of you Panda-Huggers who think that China is our good friend & partner & has the same goals as we do...sorry but their national interests are not aligned with ours (ie...they want the same resources as we do) & it pays for them to go against us in their quest to be the world's dominant player.
*panda huggers are total China advocates—people who feel that the world's future rests on the country's massive, burly shoulders, that the Western media gives the Chinese Government a raw deal and that China is simply the most exciting place in the world to be right now