Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Jets fans wet dream come to life...

There is no other way to describe today's HUGE win against the hated & despised New England team in game 2 of the season then a wet dream come true. The highlights of this win include...

3 Touchdown passes by Sanchez to 3 different receivers....who was questioning IF he could throw the ball?!?

A 2 point many do they ever make...much less try?!?

2 awesome interceptions

SACKING TOM BRADY!!! Eat it tommy-boy!!! 

2 Field Goals

Revis only in 1st half

Great field position in 2nd half due to NE penalties

For tonight bask in the glory of the highlights on TV/Internet & all the articles tomorrow in the NY papers. If this team vs last weeks team keeps showing up...we just might really have something here.While I would like to leave on a positive note & I will...there is one major negative point I must point out. My brother who knows next to nothing about football much less cares (though in all fairness he does have friends/family over for the Superbowl) about the game was taken to the game by one of his clients. Criminal....absolutely criminal.

The positive Nephew turns 4 on Tuesday & Crazyman 4 (his b-day party...kinda like Burning Man but far far wilder & crazier {better food & WC facilities as well} is on Sunday & actually doesn't screw up watching the JETS game since they are playing at night next Sunday) will be getting either a Jets football or a Mark Sanchez t-shirt...maybe both after today's a$$ kicking of NE!