Now that Al Qaeda is "headless" so to speak... no pun intended, it's various "franchises" are touting how they will get revenge for the killing of their beloved porn loving former leader. One group is planning on going after our President's 89 year old Step-Grandmother in Kenya. This is the best they got...Operation Granny?!? What... these imbeciles are going to attempt to send a squad of their highly trained Ninja-Hassasin's after her or talk a 14 year old scared and juiced up on Khat to blow himself up while she's sipping tea on her porch?!? Can these losers be any more pathetic?
I also read that they have decided to not go after our VP Joe Biden because they do not deem him important. Possibly the only thing I may agree with these morons on, but is that the real reason or is it because these idiots are worried that if they do go after him they might run out of ammo after missing all their shots and he will beat them all up in hand to hand combat? They must be relieved that McCain didn't win in 08...if so, then they would have to deal with Palin. As long as they keep their distance they're safe from her shotgun...but are likely shaking that if she adds a sniper rifle to her arsenal she could see them and hit them from Alaska!
Speaking of guns I guess it's safe to say the First Lady is not on their list...her guns are stronger, better defined and bigger then any of those nancy-boys in Al-Qaeda. She'd slap them silly. While I'm guessing Obama is a likely target they must be scratching their heads trying to figure out how the hell they are going to get past his Alligator filled moats to get to him! Why didn't they get Dubya for sending his Crusader armies to their lands? Is it because he's a Cowboy and they figure between his six-shooters and buck knife he would gun them down...and then scalp them! What about the previous VP...Dick they really believe that he is Darth Cheney a Dark Sith Lord capable of using his corrupted Jedi powers to fling them around while snapping their necks without even having to bother to bust out his Light-Sabre?!?
They say a Hero is defined by his actions, deeds and his villains. Is that our problem these days...our villains are so damn lame? We started off with the British Empire and the warrior Apache, Comanche, etc tribes, then went at it with each other, followed that up against the German war machine and then against a bigger stronger Blitzkrieging German force on one side and real warrior ninja kamikaze's on the other side of the world.
Now look what we have...guys trying bomb Grandma. In the Batman comics one of the issues that has been coming up is was Gotham better off before Batman showed up? The argument being that things were bad before him...but ever since he showed up the criminals have become even worse. I don't buy that argument...they just started wearing clown make-up, top hats and spandex. As we see in our own world monsters look just like us...they don't need costumes or superpowers to create atrocities. In the series finale of Smalllville Lex and Clark have a great verbal confrontation (best ever Dennis Hopper vs Chris Walken in True Romance... if you have not seen this movie you need to if you love cinema) where Lex actually does a great spin on the hero defining definition by telling Clark that every great Villain needs great hero's to challenge them to reach their full potential.
It seems that Al Qaeda has found their true hero to challenge them...US...of A, and as they have learned regardless of the Administration in power or whatever bickering we do internally when it comes down to it we will put them in the ground and wave the flag together. I look forward to their vanishing back from under the rocks they crawled.
As much as I would love to see peace in our time...I just don't believe we have it in our DNA. We seem to like to fight. What we need though is a real enemy...not these gutless craven cowards. Bring on the Klingons...