Saturday, September 11, 2010

Train Travel Tales

While New Yorkers may have the rep of not be friendly & just always on the's only the latter statement that is true. Things move fast here & we don't stop & say hello to everyone we pass by. However, put us in a social setting anywhere & anytime you find out just how gregarious we are. As a prime example on my way back home yesterday on the LIRR it stopped as we pulled into Penn Station awaiting another train to pull in. While I'm standing waiting for the door to open with two other women one of the women's husband walks over. The wife asks "is that woman still sleeping". He replies "Yes, don't worry she''ll be fine". Don't you think we should wake her? ". I interject...she'll be fine. I have a good story about a friend who fell asleep...I tell mine...& then the single woman tells hers & then the Husband tells they are....(Readers Digest Versions)

Combo's Night Out (My Story)

One of my best friends from College is out right after work on a weekday. Gets loaded & makes it to the train. Gets on the right train. Passes out cold. Wakes up somewhat confused...looks at his's 7am. Looks out the train window...he's back in Penn Station! He rode back & forth all night. Gets off the train & goes to work...

The Good Conductor (Single Woman)

Girl goes out at night with friends & is supposed to meet up with friends on Long Island. Gets loaded...but makes it to the train...even the right line (noticing a theme here). Passes out & wakes up confused. Friends have been calling her on her cell phone & she finally picks up. She's so drunk she doesn't know were she is or where she is going. As Conductor walks by she starts trying to communicate with him. The friend on other side of phone hears her rambling & says "give the Conductor the phone". He takes the phone & they ask him if he can please put heir friend in a cab & gives him the address. Drunk friend shows up 15 minutes later in a cab...after the Conductor walked her down the stairs & put her in the cab...

EMS Middle of Night Calls (Husband)

Guy was a  EMS volunteer working the night shift. Used to get frequent calls from LIRR Conductors to come pick-up drunks. Not your run of the mill...but your total disasters (see above for "like")...the ones the Conductor were worried would get in a car... kill themselves & whomever else they crashed into. I was surprised EMS would do this...but he said that this was a regular occurrence. The Conductors didn't want to let these people loose & the EMS workers would drop them off at the local Hospital to dry out...

I'm guessing the "sleeping woman" is going to be alright...she may even have a story of her own for her friends, family, & fellow passengers...on the train ride we call Life...

Monday, September 6, 2010


One would think that the Recession is over or never happened in the first place judging by how busy Eataly was this past Saturday mid-morning. In what was the Toy Building on 5th Ave btwn 23rd & 24th is now a Temple to Italian food both imported & local. I managed to not go to crazy on my first go around & managed to keep it to under $75.00. The place is broken up into a number of food stalls, restaurants, a book store, wine store, a rooftop beer garden, & they also have classes. The place was a madhouse so I only stayed so long but picked up a number of goods. I'll share these with you to give you a feel for what's available. I started with a large cup of Lavazza Coffee to get me going (the area is decorated with cutouts from the Lavaaza calendars...high end photographers working with beautiful actresses & models...think Campari or Pirelli calendars...I'm really into photography so I loved it) I then made my way through the growing & maddening crowds & picked up the following...

A Rustico Classico bread from the bakery (all the breads looked great)...molto bene

A Cheese made w/Barolo Wine, Prosciutto de Parma, & Piccante Cotto...all molto bene as well & the Cotto is very spicy. Since these goods came from the same stall...guessing it wasn't Kosher just in case you were wondering

Heirloom Tomatoes, a LI Red Tomato & Arugula from the Produce Dept...Here's a funny story & kudos to the grocer...when he saw that I picked 3 heirloom tomatoes he came over & said I had to try the LI's the best he has...then reached into my cart & pulled out one of the green heirlooms...put it back & sent one of his guys to weight & price the LI Red for me...I said I appreciate the heads up & will take your advice but can I have my other tomato back as well...Of note...the one he recommended was half the price of the he clearly wasn't pushing price. I've yet to try the LI Red but the green Heirlooms were AMAZING...

Cherry Tomato Arrabiata, Peeled Cherry Tomatoes in a can, & Somesortacurly pasta from the Grain & Sauce section. The pasta was very good & the spicy cherry tomato sauce was good as well....however...even though it is imported from's not as good as the Michael's of Brooklyn I get from Whole foods & Todaro's. The imported stuff was more processed while the Michael's is chunky & looks like your Grandma made it. As a quick side note...I gave the Michael's a try a year ago when I stumbled onto it. It turns out after conversations with my Mom & some research on the web...the place is now a catering hall & restaurant but started out as a pizza place...across the street from the apartment that my parents first lived in when they had me in Brooklyn! How's that for crazy circumstances. I find the best spicy sauce in a jar & better then almost every restaurant I've been to in a Whole Foods decades later from the place my parents used to go for their Garbage Pie (for those outside means the works...sausage, pepper, onions, meatballs, pepperoni, & mushrooms)...crazy huh? Anyway...I hedged my bet that the imported sauce would be good but not great & thus purchased imported whole peeled cherry tomatoes to make my own sauce (stay tuned for results).

Pistachio Spread - I have a sweet-tooth & I'm a chocolate-a-holic. So when I saw the chocolate spreads other then Nutella among the chocolate bars I figured I'd give one a go. I love Pistachios & have never seen the combo's always Hazelnut or Almond...I'd give it a whirl. On the way home when I realized I forgot if it was dark or turned out it's neither...but just Pistachio spread which was a very pleasant surprise. I've been wondering why there is peanut, almond, hazelnut butters but not Pistachio. Have not opened it yet...but will soon enough...

     Well like I said it was busy & I tried not to go to crazy. The meat department looked good & they are working with US ranches to produce Piedmont meats, seafood dept looked good as well. There was a counter for pastries that looked great & a Gelato bar I missed as time. Hopefully this gives you a good feel for what's available. I highly recommend you go.

    Now while I think this was a good start...I would like to see more of these. The best I've ever seen far is the Mercat de la Boqueria in Barcelona. It kills me that they have something that blows away anything we have. give it some real competition since New York is such a global city we need Temples of Gastronomy to various cultures...

Asia-Pac Market - While most of these countries could have their own let's set up one big one for Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, & while we're at it some stalls from Oz & New Zealand

Mercat De la Boquria NYC - Spanish food is amazing & very's not just Paella & Platas Brava...

La Ville-Lumière - Hey c'mon...we need to have one for the French...they do have pretty good food & wine (& woman). I would add in some stalls from neighbors Belgium & Switzerland.

Adriatic/Aegean Market - Stalls from Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Serbia, Albanian etc...Just imagine the battles over the coffee & baklava! Plus Croatia has all all sorts of great Liqueurs, Perserves, Fig Sweets, & some great cured Beef...

Mid-East Market - You...yes you that wants to build bridges between Muslims & Americans...this is how you do it...through FOOD. Food is the common denominator. We all love to eat & with a place full of stalls from Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Iran, Iraq etc...selling Oils, Honeys,Spices,Exotic flavored Sweets, prepared foods, etc...that would bring people together! This is how everyday Americans can learn about the Middle-East...through it's food. By breaking bread & sprinkling some sea-salt on our food together vs. rubbing salt in deep wounds on holy ground...hey...remember...we're talking deep thoughts here...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Back to School Shopping Special

While it's been a little more then a few years since I've done back to school shopping it is that time of the year to get some new styling gear. Key is for girls...Men & Woman should have their own unique sense of style. I'm not going to list the newest best-est hottest openings here...go read a magazine. I will list some new & some of my current favorite spots. I will also add in some places nearby to get a cup of coffee, snack, &/or quick lunch & so to keep it simple stupid ( relax)...I will do it by neighborhood...somewhat. Also of note gear isn't only also applies to supplies...


Patagonia - Whether you're going Skiing or surfing, hiking or climbing or just travelling off the beaten path this place has the clothing you will need. Their R series gear is I think the best for that layer to keep you warm & the Patagonia zip neck pullover is a must own. Keeps you warm after the surf...a layer while skiing...roll it up as a pillow.

Lord Willy's - While they do Custom cut suits & shirts, it's their Off the Rack checkered shirts that I buy. They are not cheap...but very well made & cut. They also stand out by using colorful buttons on their shirts (ask & they will give you extras...buttons do need to be replaced now & then). I've received more compliments on these shirts then any other. Lord Willy himself Alex is a great guy only bettered by his better half Betty.

Chrome - From out west Chrome has just landed in Soho. Their main thing is messenger bags & utility urban backpacks built for bikers (pedal not cycle...but would work just fine for the later). They also have clothes & great sneakers. Think Converse All Stars with more structure for support & padding for comfort with more "street style"

Save Khaki - If like me you were NOT genetically blessed with a flat as a board ass & really wide hips & are sick to death of Khaki's & Cords that make you look like you were...Save Khaki has pants that are cut to fit & look good & made well. They also have shirts...but try them on first...they tend to cut small so while some XL's fit fitted...others are cut like L's...if you are slim &/or have a pigeon chest no worries for can squezze into an Xtra-Medium...

Tokidoki - T-shirts designed by an Italian out of Rome living in LA that is inspired by Japanese culture lifestyle & Anime. Recently struck a licensing deal with Marvel comics. Men's, Women's & finally kids.

Michael Andrews Bespoke - Custom cut Suits, Sport Jackets, Trousers, Shirts, etc... He does cut slim so keep that in mind...prices are fair (suits start at $895...but figure $1195 & up) & does lots of little extras like various colored linings, working button holes with optional colored strip, choice of lapels, buttons etc...They also now have custom cut shoes & accessories...ties, cuff-links, etc... Of note the new space is spectacular & looks like an awesome lounge. He has a gorgeous bar & phenomenal selection of bottles to sample while deciding which fabric, shirting, etc... Michael & his staff are great & a pleasure to work with.

EMS - Geared heavily towards climbing & camping...a mini Paragon in Soho. Knowledgeable & friendly staff. They stock the Icebreaker line from New Zealand. Merino Wool at near capilene prices. My black pullover zip sweater one of favorite pieces of clothing. Think what Bond would wear Apes Ski. Please note: This stuff is cut slim...XL cut like a L & XXL only available for certain items. Hope their buyer starts buying more XXL for their American milk bred clients.

Quicksilver - While I really miss their original location in Soho w/the cylindrical fish tank Quicksilver still has what you need for the beach for Men, Woman & kids. It's where I get my niece Jilly her rocking pool/beach gear.

Hollister - I should hate this place. I don't care much for large chains or places that are not authentic & this is Surf Gear for the A&F crowd that go to college in middle America nowhere near a beach. Yet, I still like the place & it's well designed with lots of rooms full of wood & big comfy chairs with magazines. I like the place especially for their boxers that are cut like & look like board shorts. Amusing T-shirts & some decent plaids as well.They also hire ridiculasly cute girls in Bikini's with rocking bodies to act as greeters throughout the store. (Yes Ladies there are guys there as well)

Saturdays - A real authentic Surf shop in Soho. Surf Boards, Leash's, Wax, Fins, Wet-Suits, & of course Board Shorts & T-shirts.  Of special note...they have really good coffee & a big backyard area with loads of seating to chill out. A very cool little oasis in Soho. Try to keep this one to yourself...need to keep the riff-raff out.

Odin - The clothing here is in most cases a little too trendy for me...but worth checking out for an edgy take on the basics. I also found a great cologne here that is water vs oil based & smells like the Beach...not a Seinfeld joke here...really does. I think it's called 1966 Beach.

APPLE - You don't have an IPod, Mac, IPAD or you have just one...?!? Well then go get yourself an ITouch or Pad or I NEED it! Also available in Meatpacking & Uptown. Please note....this location has best people least for good looking woman...especially foreign ones who NEED an I-Something. 

Food Break: For Coffee Aroma, Gimme, & Ground Support. For quick bites Ben's Pizza, Ray's (on Prince St), Pinche Taqueria, La Esquina Taco Stand, Cafe Habana, Pinkberry (healthy & also loaded w good looking girls gone Soho shopping) Hampton Chutney Co.


Vince - Primarily for Women, but the Men's line is growing. I come here primarily for great t-shirts. They are in the $40 range...but very well cut & made. Ask for Jasmine (they also have a Soho location) Think that's nutz...then go to American Apparel.

Limoland - I needed something other then my backpacks for long weekend travel & came here after reading about a collaboration they were doing with a Japanese luggage manufacturer Yoshida Porter. Limo added some color & their crazy Limo-Man logo (based upon a character by the late Tanzanian artist George Lilanga) to their carry-on Boston bag. They also do Polo's, sweaters, jackets etc...please note they tend to use bright colors

James Perse - It's between these & Vince for my favorite T-shirts. These are less fitted & the colors generally more washed out looking in a very good way. Same price points. Great lounge-wear boxers & T's for bumming around you very own Bat-Cave (I hate this new "Man-Cave term).

Flight 001 - You know when you're going away & you wish you had this or that to put that in? This is the place. They carry travel size toiletries, better yet kits that are airplane certified refill bottles for toiletries, pill boxes shaped like a giant pill, bags for shoes, wet gear, neck pillows, travel alarms, travel guides & books (I picked one up on Stewardess's...Coffee, Tea, or joke) ...pretty much all those little extras you need for travel. Also great for gifts.

Rugby - Polo for the A&F crowd. Which means better made & cut. I don't have much from here...I'm more of a Polo guy but I like their Polo Rugby shirts with the Skull & Crossbones logo. I expected to get grief but guys & girls compliment on them...They also have a women's dept staffed by some gorgeous woman. I go in there every time asking if they carry kids stuff for my Niece &Nephew(they don't) just to start a rap & show my sensitive side. Of note: so far has got me nowhere...either they are too young or not the maternal yet hot type I am looking for...

Paragon - NY's top Sports wear/gear store. Not as hard core as Tents & Poles or EMS...but this place pretty much has it all. Clothing & gear for the outdoors, surf gear, fishing gear, camping, Tennis, Golf, Archery, knives, binoculars, etc...

Adorama - For your photography needs much smaller version of B&H but carries plenty & has a  knowledgeable staff. So if you need that weather proof camera to go skiing with or to the beach or maybe you are ready to move from film SLR to Digital SLR (DSLR) or want more then your point & shoot you want to check this place out

Food Break: For Coffee Ninth Street Espresso, Grey Dog & Joe the Art of Coffee. Quick bites go to Chelsea market for great sushi & tuna/lobster warps & rolls at Lobster Place, Buon Italia, Amy's breads, Fat Witch Brownie, Eleni's Cupcakes, People's Pops, & Jacques Torres chocolate. Bill's Bar & Burger, Gaslight Pizza, Fish - Lobster Rolls, Oysters, Chowder, etc...


NIKE - What can I possibly say or add here. If need NIKE gear...just do it! Buy NIKE gear here! Actually a very cool store.

SAKS - I generally don't care much for department stores but Saks is the exception. For high end Men's Wear designer names this is the place. I primarily like Sak's Men's shoe department... Church's, Too Boot, Ferragamo, Gucci, etc... Also one of the best places to pick up a gift for the Lady/Ladies in your life (you know...other then significant other...Mom, Sis, Sis-In-Law, Gumar, etc...). CAVEAT: Two things to be careful of here. One is the first floor Make-up/Perfume area I refer to as the in Running the Gauntlet. Between the beautiful women that shop here & the women that work this could break you careful if with SO. Also Sak's Woman's show dept has it's own freaking ZIP CODE 10022-SHOE! That's how big it is. So AVOID at all costs. Just give her your credit card. The only reason I could imagine enduring the endless trying on & on & on of shoes is if your SO has a BFF that is soooo smoking hot that you can barely look at her & your SO "experimented" with her when they were in HS/College/drunkonenite & she brings her along so that afterwards she rewards you with first a show & then a starring role. Nuff said.

Bergdoff Goodman Men's - A higher end version of Saks. For me, they carry John Smedley knitwear, have a very good, diverse, & unique cologne dept usually staffed by a beautiful woman striking enough to make you (me) buy something Creed...Also has a great sterling silver & gold cuff-link selection...

POLO - Hail to the king. If I had to pick one menswear line to wear...this is it. Everything...just everything...I like the Soho location & the Mansion

Thomas Pink - For non-custom cut shirts for work these are the best. They do straddle the do I don't I go custom price points...but are very well made, well cut & come in  a large variety of colors, stripes, & cuts.

Faconnable - Along the lines of Polo but with it's own French style. Well cut business & casual clothing. I like their dress shirts & they are very good for jackets. I have an awesome suede jacket & shirt jacket from here.

B&H Photo_ The Grand-Daddy of Camera stores. PRO's They carry everything & have representation from everyone. The key is find the right guy. Some of them are phenomenon & very knowledge. CON's The place is simply too damn big! Plus some of the staff just go through the motions...which surprised me. I did buy my Olympus EP2 here & I think at the time they were the only store that had it in stock. I do want new lens for it & I'm up in the air if I come here or go elsewhere ust due to the sheer size of the place & the volume they do which makes you wait on two to get to pay. It does in all fairness move pretty fast.

Paul Stuart - Higher quality & smaller version of Brooks Brothers. I have a variety of stuff from here...Ties, Shoes, Linen Shirts, John Smedly Merino & Sea Island cotton knitwear, Sweaters, etc...

Food Break: Let's have Starbucks, Starbucks & Starbucks...enjoy!

For the Ladies...between buying gifts, getting dragged shopping after brunch, walking by & noticing the woman working there or what's in the windows...

Victoria's Secret - Make yourself feel special with sexy & affordable lingerie

Agent Provocateur - Are you feeling a bit naughty you bad, bad girl?? Pick yourself out or better yet make that English Gent (AG is the Brit VS...but higher end)  you're seeing get you something special to wear with or without anything else...

La Perla - You're doing very well or the Euro-Trash you are "seeing" doesn't find a body like yours all that often & wants to barely cover it in the best...can you even imagine what's going through his mind over that oyster appetizer he's eating knowing that you're wearing that gift from LP he just gave you the night before...

Scoop - You need look hot in jeans...we like you in jeans...large selection of premium brands...& all the other stuff you need to go with it....please leave us at home...(P.S. there is a Men's Scoop & pretty good though trendy)

Vince - High end T-shirts, sweaters, etc...(see men's review above)

James Perse - Ditto

Quicksilver/Roxy - Wanna rock your hot surfer-chick bod at the beach or pool? Here's your place. Feel free to take us here. We can look for stuff for ourselves, look in magazines or watch you try on Bikini's. If you're make us watch you try on stuff...this is perfectly acceptable. CAVEAT: Doing this killed a friendship of mine. After the beach a "friend" would drag me to watch her try on Bikini's before Happy Hours in the Hampton's. I obliged. That Fall after a few one night...then another...then didn't handle as well as could have...friendship be careful here...tread lightly...or just don't do it...!

All Saints - Want to look like you just walked out of a Video shoot for Oasis or Girls's your place...straight from swinging London...shag baby shag!

Well good do your part to jump start the economy & start buying stuff that neither you, your SO, your family or friends really absolutely must have!