Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dubrovnik, Croatia

For those of you looking into taking a vacation from work or a vacation from looking for work...or are funemployed/trust funded/rich...etc... may I suggest Croatia's Dalmatian coast...I was there for a week in Dubrovnik the whole time but did hit some of the islands for day trips. I've traveled all over but have yet to see a city like Dubrovnik. It was originally built by the Ragusa's during the 11th century...that's right the rocking 1200's...and still stands today. It's a totally walled in city built of stone that had running water and even the world's first pharmacy...which is still open today. Aside from it's main thoroughfare the stratum it's all narrow side streets that go up steep stairs...for the record almost everything you will go to is either on the main level or up one flight. The exception is if you want to hit the Buza Bars for a drink or a dip...

The water at the beaches...which are shingle (rock...even once you get into the water) and even after a week they were killing my feet (aqua socks are the way to go...but I'm just not sure if I'm an aqua socks kinda I endured the pain) is extremely clean and gorgeous shades of various blues. My hotel's was the best and it was in a first grotto...and while there were no waves...the water & scenery were so beautiful I was fine. Banje beach right outside Polce gate was also very good & had a great view of Lopud Island and the City's walls.

One thing I found odd was that while they had great beaches and bars... the concept of happy hour seems to have eluded them. Also nightlife is not exactly wild...more of a cafe culture vs. a party culture...even at night people sat around or were hanging around up steep stairs outside of the bars (most were tiny...remember built in the 11th century before I guess the beer hall made it's way down from Vikings)

The food was good...I think they may have more pizza places per square block then we do it NYC and it was good especially if you like shrimp still in their shells on your pie... Fish oddly enough was very expensive ( I heard they may have somewhat over-fished the Adriatic) so only had it a few times...great cured hams and meats. Their beer was pretty good and they have a developing wine industry which is starting to produce some pretty good stuff. Mixed drinks for some reason averaged $12-15 buck...3X that of beer or wine so I didn't bother & heard they were lousy. Gelato on the other-hand was great and  came in many flavors. I introduced a couple of shops to the affagato (had to get the espresso at the only take out coffee shop in town...again a cafe culture). So if you get can thank me for introducing it.

Overall...very good trip...unique and very cool city...gorgeous water, plenty of islands and grotto's etc...Check it out before they overbuild it & the Russians take it over...(The French and Italians are going out of their way to kick them out of their Rivera's because they are the worlds most obnoxious tourists)...

I finally figured out how to add pics (the icon that looks like a pic...4 years of college...4 years of college) so enjoy...for the record...even with my rooftop pool...I'm going through some serious grotto withdrawal...

Obama Throws Like a Girl...

For a guy who I thought was supposed to be in good physical shape & an athlete...he throws like a girl...maybe the next time he calls W on the bat-phone for advice on N.Korea, Iraq, Iran etc...he can ask him to swing by & ask him to show him how to throw a strike...just a thought...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Jacques Torres Ice Cream Rocks!!!

I LOVE chocolate...I'm a pretty big fan of Ice Cream & I'm a huge fan of hot peppers in my chocolate. Might sound strange but if you've ever had it...yummy! Well Jacques Torres who makes some of my favorite chocolate & quite possibly his Wicked Hot Chocolate is my favorite hot chocolate has just started selling Ice Cream...well as usual he has totally nailed it. Plus, I figured he would only make a few chocolate flavors...not quite...I believe there were 8 ice creams & 8 sorbet's.

To give it a shot I went with the 2 scoop cup to try Wicked Chocolate & Chocolate Banana...amazing... plus the portion was huge! At first after the first scoop I thought it was going to be just one single small scoop of each...WRONG...3 scoops of each! Actually too much...the single size would have been plenty...even for me...Now here is what you need to can order a "single" scoop & order it half & other words you can get TWO FLAVORS when ordering the single size which is only $3.50. One of my favorite new finds...if he makes chocolate orange & chocolate pistachio (he makes both in a bar) I may just j..z in my pants...

Monday, July 13, 2009


It seems that most of us are P-whipped whether we care to admit it or not...Male or Female...& your sexual preference(s) are irrelevant...or so says this recent study...


Have you noticed the amount of young men & women standing around NYC with clipboards lately? I'm guessing most of them are college graduates from our top schools....(judging by their causes the more liberal ones with either English Lit or Finance degrees)...I love how they feel it's OK to stop one on their way coming & going fort their various noteworthy causes...drives me nutz..

Which is why that I'm thinking of getting a clipboard myself...I do have some free time on my hands...However since I have been in the workforce & have been multi-tasking for years this is what I'm thinking of going with...

HELLO Madam/Sir! Do you have some time to discuss Fat Illiterate Children whose unmarried non-hetero parents are trying to save Panda's & Whales?!?

For the record...I do think that obesity in this country is a major factor causing problems within our HealthCare system & that our illiteracy rate is a total disgrace that I blame on the kids, their parents, & a school system that rewards mediocrity & does not hold tenured teachers for the parent comment if gays want to marry...go for it...In regards to the Pandas & Whales...I'm considering a new career... Poacher-Killer. Actually I could use some help here...I need a more "politically correct" name for one who hunts down & kills poachers with extreme prejudice...I look forward to your ideas...

Even Less Cultured then I Orginally Stated...

I recently returned from Dubrovnik, Croatia which was beautiful...(more to come in a later blog)...a film festival was going on so I checked out a couple of flicks...I am still trying to exorcise them from my memory...they were absolute CRAP! Yes, they were well written...well acted...& well shot...however, I hated both of them & really wanted to walk out on them. They are a very sad commentary on the European male & life in Europe in general.

Judging by these movies one would think that all Europeans are totally neurotic over-educated, miserable, pathetic & weak. Please note: I have European friends, love foreign flicks, & have travelled the globe. Which is why I guess I really hated these movies as much as I did. If you would like to judge these intellectually stimulating commentaries on the current zeitgeist...please feel free to check out

Another Man

Cold Lunch

However...I would recommend instead you spend your money on seeing something like Transformers 2...mindless drivel with lots of explosions & shots of Meagan Fox. Star Trek & Revanche (a great foreign flick from Austria) are still my favorites of the summer so far...