Saturday, April 17, 2010

Some Tea Alice?

While I am not referring to the Mad-Hatters tea party here, at the rate things are going lately it might as well be...feel free to insert your own choices of politicians & business leaders at the table...Having said that the Tea Party movement is picking up speed...regardless of if you are a fan or foe you may want to consider some quotes below...

"Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government. Whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights."

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government."

"Delay is preferable to error."

"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty".

History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is".

These quotes belong to one Thomas Jefferson. He wrote them over 200 years ago. They sound like they were spoken yesterday. Is Thomas Jefferson the Great-Grandfather of the Tea Party movement? Would you call him a loon, a racist, a Nazi?
It is our job to question government & for our government to properly inform us. Yes, there are matters of National Security that should be kept secret. However laws of the land should not be in 2,700 page bills that nobody can understand!!! Our officials are elected, not born into it. None of them are "The One" they are one of many. If they are not doing their job we can fire them. Regardless of your party affiliation keep that in mind this November. There are plenty on both sides of the aisle that need to go.

for more quotes from TJ...

Monday, April 12, 2010

15 Minutes of Fame

Andy Warhol said that we all get our 15 minutes of fame...he just falied to mention if you get the 15 minutes consecutively or not...I'm guessing mine are scattered...he's a few minutes...please feel free to view this as informative for your business needs or just as pure comedy watching me...being me...

You Do Not Telegraph Your Punches!!!

I guess it's safe to say that back in the day when young Barry was going from country to country & school to school Mr. Keep It Cool never got into a physical altercation. Knowing kids can be tough on new kids & kids that are different how he managed this kinda makes me wonder. The truth of the matter is Barry didn't learn some lessons in the schoolyard that he should have. Now, for the record my Father taught me how to defend myself...but to think with my head & talk my way out of situations. If that failed then defend oneself & others. I've been pretty good at talking people down & breaking up fights. However, sometimes I had no choice & had to fight. Why...because not everybody thinks the same ways or were raised the same way. Some people just have a mean streak or were raised by morons. You learn this & how to deal with it. One of the lessons you learn early on regardless if you are taught a martial art, the "sweet science" (boxing) or YOU DO NOT TELEGRAPH YOUR PUNCHES! If you paid attention you actually learned not just how to do this, but as importantly how to read others. See where their eyes were looking, how they were positioned, etc...You didn't get int a fight & the way I have a great right cross or a glass jaw.

Barry didn't learn this. That's why he made his announcement about how if we are hit by a non-nuke attack we will not hit back with nukes. In all fairness I agree in practice with not using nukes at all. They are a total disaster. The damage they cause can last for decades & longer affecting the generation hit & many next to come. Then there is the incredible amount of environmental damage they do. On top of that, the damage from radiation can be carried by wind & spread. Not a good option. However, there is no reason to let our "non-friends" know that. Why...because you do not telegraph your punches!!! Better they think you just might. I"m sure the Left Wing Media & fellow travellers just loved this. However, does Barry really think Dear Leader, Putin, The Mullahs of Iran, Chavez, Osama think oh wow this guy is a guy we can work with! Not that Idiot Cowboy who called us Enemies! Who said we had to choose sides! No, this guy, he gets us...we can work with him to finally achieve world peace & freedom for all men & women! Really, is this what you think? For a guy who is supposed to be so damn smart...the truth is from everything he says & does...I'm not going to argue that he's book smart & has the gift of gab...but when it comes to street smarts he seems pretty damn stupid! don't telegraph your punches!!!