Friday, January 1, 2010

Ultimate Fitness 2010!!!'s that time of the year again when everyone & their Mother's 3rd cousins ex-lovers friends neighbor has decided...this is the year I'm joining a gym & getting back in shape! They all go to the gym right after work...for about three weeks ruining it for the rest of us & then they quit.l. If you fall into the aforementioned category you may want to skip the rest...this is not for you. However, if you live a relatively healthy lifestyle & going to the gym is just part of your regular weekly schedule read on. Please note...this applies regardless if you lift weights, cardio, classes, yoga, Pilate's, swim etc...of course you should be doing at least 2 or more of the above & looking for new ways to challenge yourself, attack your weak points, or just plain spice up your work-out. If so I stumbled on to this super new & exciting work-out program while actually at the gym on the cross-trainer I feel stronger & sorer in places I never hit directly before, I'm more flexible & developed new skill sets that will come in handy outside the gym in various real world situations that I never thought that I could do...but now can! So step on up to the plate & start the new you workout today!

He's Just Not That Into You...

Well...I think at this point in time it's safe to say that "he's just not that into you". You reached out your unclenched hand in friendship to him...& he ignored it, slapped it away & spit on it...because he quite simply just isn't that into you...You're just not his type. You see...he just sees another American...the fact that you may not be another old white guy with gray doesn't matter to him...he doesn't care that you're the first African-American president. Doesn't care about your multi-cultural background or history...he just sees another American President. His background was most likely nothing like yours...I doubt he spent much time on an Island Paradise being raised by loving Grandparents or went to a top school in the must multi-cultural & greatest city on Earth. He just doesn't get you...nor does he want to. You see he is the puppet for a Theocracy & they need an evil to keep the masses under control(in all fairness...not the only ones who have done this to various levels & degrees). We represent their greatest fears (again referring to the current govt...not the people...they are dying in the streets fighting to finally overthrow the current leadership) & they need as as their "Devil" or Great Satan as they like to call us. He needs you, your predecessor, & your successor as his enemy to a friend you weaken him & his masters.

Now...if you're upset he doesn't like really are not going to like the fact that he must hate your wife. Don't take it's not just her...I'm sure he hates Laura, Hillary, Condi, & Sarah. He hates them because he is outright terrified of them. Because whether you are a fan of the current First Lady, her predecessors, & the other women mentioned they all share certain things in common such as that they are all strong, intelligent, & successful women(again you may not like all named but if you think any of then are weak, stupid, & unsuccessful...then you are an idiot & do not understand the definition of the words used to describe them). Between the First Lady being a success in her own right & the guns hanging off her shoulders & the success of the former Governor of Alaska & her ability to shoot a rifle...they must shake in their seats out of abject fear & most likely excitement as well that makes them feel "funny" in their nether regions. And the last thing they want is a country full of women like them much less someone who came from the outside to be voted into the ultimate seat of power like you did. Do you get it now...he's just not that into you... need to find a new strategy. Playing nice isn't going to work. That doesn't mean you need to go right in with a Military solution but if you cannot come on strong & get our "other" friends to play nice & use will need to do something. A good start may be speaking up for the Neda's,2933,528441,00.html of Iran. The people shout your name in their streets & their leaders accuse you of being the problem even when you don't speak up. So start using your oratory skills & show their people that we back them. Then maybe some of the European leaders will & maybe this will eventually put the pressure on them to change their ways. Otherwise it's either a series of air strikes now(I don't think there is a chance of the Israeli's not hitting their reactors this year with a US "green light" backed by US & UK intelligence & possibly AFSOC & SAS support)...or the loss of a city(ies) later followed by a less then pleasant option...either with the fact that Ahmadinejad is just not that into you...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Great Balls of Fire...

I'm not really sure what level of absolute total insanity you have to be to stuff a condom filled with PETN a high explosive in your panties(& you're male) & then inject it with a hypodermic needle loaded with something like nitro-g to blow yourself & a plane full of innocent civilians up. The only other people I can think of this crazy sit on top of a nuke & explode it underneath themselves with the help & support of their co-workers. Of course they are called Astronauts & their goal is to continue man's insatiable drive to explore & find ways to further enrich our lives. These men could not be any further apart which is why I ask how can some men have such incredible courage to take the risks that an Astronaut takes to better mankind while others are so weak, crazy, despondent & pathetic that they would do such harm themselves physically & psychologically & to others...?

Since much has been written already on this I'm not going to go to deep into Janet N claiming that the Homeland Security policies worked (then stating they failed...oh really!?!)...they failed miserably. We got lucky ...again. The last time we got so lucky was 2-26-93. The WTC was hit by a car bomb in the underground garage. 6 people were murdered & over 1,000 wounded(not really so lucky after all). It wasn't what was what didn't work..the explosive device. If it did 300+ on the plane would have died along with whatever damage the raining debris from the plane caused. On top of this it has been reported that guests of a certain hotel that starts with a G in sunny Cuba who were released were involved. The Imam that a certain Army Doctor who worked at Ft Hood (up until his shooting spree) also seems to be involved. Playing nice, being politically correct & trying to rehabilitate these poor lost souls doesn't seem to work too well. While Armed Force is not the only is a highly effective tool when used properly. We can't keep "hoping" that this will stop, that people will like us (Clinton was President in 93 & was well liked globally as was his predecessor Bush Sr & we still got hit) & we keep getting lucky. We need to wake up & realize that it's not going to go away until the International community no longer accepts it, rises up against it crushes it while simultaneously the leaders & the common people within the communities that produce these fanatics start taking steps to stop their children from having their minds poisoned by religious fanaticism & turned into human weapons killing innocent civilians & accomplishing nothing but creating news headlines while putting their own families & friends lives at risk from certain retaliation. So much for me not going too deep...