I've walked past Fish on Bleecker more times then I can count. I've always meant to check it out but always ended up going somewhere else. It's on Bleecker near the James Perse shop I go to buy my over-priced yet awesome t-shirts (plus the sales girls are always cute) & Pure Dark where I buy over-priced yet awesome chocolate(my favorite is their Cinnamon/Chipolte dark chocolate rounds...also like their dark chocolate covered cherries & blueberries) & further down the block is an Amy's Bread, Murray's, some POLO shops etc...anyhow I digress...Bleecker just happens to be one of NYC's most awesome streets...
Anyhow finally popped in since I've been jonesing for a Lobster Roll & it was just the right day for one. It was very good...came with VG fries, a side salad, & slaw. They have a good selection of beers on tap as well & I liked their menu. What I didn't see until after I ordered was that on the huge mirror behind the bar they had some specials. One...the Red White & Blue is 6 oysters with either a glass of red, white or PBR...for...only $8 bucks! The oysters looked awesome & totally fresh. I lot of people ordered them & I spoke with some regulars who raved about them. Not sure how this place was never listed in any of the Time Out, New York Mag, etc...reviews of best places for Oyster specials...hey, keeps me in business. I will be back...it's on my list of places to go now & I will confirm how good their Red White & Blue deal is (then head down to Cones for Brazilian style gelato) God bless America!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Save The Tigers
While many of you may not know this... Tigers are on the endangered list. Another thing about them you may or not know is that they are indigenous to India & not Africa like many think...I cannot tell you how many people saw my pics from my safari in Tanzania & asked..."how come you got pictures of everything but tigers??? I'll blame the old Tarzan movies... Anyhow it's a serious issue. Poachers are slaughtering them in the wild. check out http://www.worldwildlife.org/species/ for the list & 
www.tigerwatch.net to see what you can do. Spread the word...or do you want your children, nieces/nephews, & grandchildren to grow up in a world where Tigers, Polar Bears, Eagles,Panda Bears etc...are CGI characters in Ice Age 15...???

Sunday, March 21, 2010
OSS 117:Lost in Rio/B-Slap
Movie Reviews :Spoof Segue
First up, OSS 117: Lost in Rio is the second of the re-invigorated OSS117 franchise. I stumbled on to OSS117 when on business in Paris. I saw movie posters all over the place for what looked like a Bond movie spoof & looked for it when it came to the states. It turned out to be a French version more or less of a Austin Powers like spoof. I really liked it...yet was somewhat blown away how politically incorrect it was towards Muslin's. It did poke fun at the West & it was clear that it was showing the ignorance of the protagonist & French in general...but still surprised. I did some research & it turns out that this character was France's answer to James Bond & goes back to the 50's & 60's where over 90 books were written & many movies made. When they decided to bring the character back they decided to do it tongue & cheek but also make political commentary on how ignorant & prejudice we can all be. The first one took place in Cairo in the 50's & what I really liked was that they filmed it so it looked like it was filmed in the 50's. In this one the story takes place in Rio in the 60's & again the film used, the techniques, the sets, costumes( the highlight being all the high suede boots the female lead wheres throughout the film & she has the legs for them...worth the price of admission for this alone) etc...all from the 60's which I really liked. In Lost in Rio our hero is sent to Rio to get a list of French Nazi collaborators from a Nazi in hiding. He runs into the Mossad & works with them to get the list & for the Mossad to capture the Nazi. Fun is poked at all...again over the top. One of the funniest parts takes place on the beach with a bunch of hippie's. If you love the espionage genre & like spy spoofs you will enjoy this one. Rumored up next is a film taking place in Africa in the 70's.
BIt$h Slap:The Movie is an exploitation movie of exploitation flicks. This is definitely a guy's guy movie but will appeal to the ladies out there that when they come over to your place & go through your magazines find a Playboy or Maxim...& start looking through it at the pictures(you know who you are...) It's all smoking hot women, weapons, over the top fight scenes & raunchy yet no nudity sex scenes... What I thought was going to be stupid was actually clever...the team that did this love this genre. So if you love the movies that this was based on. ..The Russ Meyer, Super-Spy,Film Noir, Martial Arts movies that gave you Sin City, Kill Bill, & Grind House you will love this fun over the top movie. The writing-directing team did a lot of work on Hercules & like B movie TV so it's that feel & you will see alumni of that show. The actresses are beautiful & while Meryl Streep may not have much to worry about they all are good actresses that did a great job. I think this must have been a really fun movie to make...the wome seemed to really being having fun. If you like/love B movies & want to see smoking hot women in over the top fight scenes...crack open a beverage & enjoy...
First up, OSS 117: Lost in Rio is the second of the re-invigorated OSS117 franchise. I stumbled on to OSS117 when on business in Paris. I saw movie posters all over the place for what looked like a Bond movie spoof & looked for it when it came to the states. It turned out to be a French version more or less of a Austin Powers like spoof. I really liked it...yet was somewhat blown away how politically incorrect it was towards Muslin's. It did poke fun at the West & it was clear that it was showing the ignorance of the protagonist & French in general...but still surprised. I did some research & it turns out that this character was France's answer to James Bond & goes back to the 50's & 60's where over 90 books were written & many movies made. When they decided to bring the character back they decided to do it tongue & cheek but also make political commentary on how ignorant & prejudice we can all be. The first one took place in Cairo in the 50's & what I really liked was that they filmed it so it looked like it was filmed in the 50's. In this one the story takes place in Rio in the 60's & again the film used, the techniques, the sets, costumes( the highlight being all the high suede boots the female lead wheres throughout the film & she has the legs for them...worth the price of admission for this alone) etc...all from the 60's which I really liked. In Lost in Rio our hero is sent to Rio to get a list of French Nazi collaborators from a Nazi in hiding. He runs into the Mossad & works with them to get the list & for the Mossad to capture the Nazi. Fun is poked at all...again over the top. One of the funniest parts takes place on the beach with a bunch of hippie's. If you love the espionage genre & like spy spoofs you will enjoy this one. Rumored up next is a film taking place in Africa in the 70's.
BIt$h Slap:The Movie is an exploitation movie of exploitation flicks. This is definitely a guy's guy movie but will appeal to the ladies out there that when they come over to your place & go through your magazines find a Playboy or Maxim...& start looking through it at the pictures(you know who you are...) It's all smoking hot women, weapons, over the top fight scenes & raunchy yet no nudity sex scenes... What I thought was going to be stupid was actually clever...the team that did this love this genre. So if you love the movies that this was based on. ..The Russ Meyer, Super-Spy,Film Noir, Martial Arts movies that gave you Sin City, Kill Bill, & Grind House you will love this fun over the top movie. The writing-directing team did a lot of work on Hercules & like B movie TV so it's that feel & you will see alumni of that show. The actresses are beautiful & while Meryl Streep may not have much to worry about they all are good actresses that did a great job. I think this must have been a really fun movie to make...the wome seemed to really being having fun. If you like/love B movies & want to see smoking hot women in over the top fight scenes...crack open a beverage & enjoy...
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