Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's NOT your fault you're FAT...its your MOM's!

That's right...a recent study has proven that women who put on significant weight while pregnant have more children that will be more likely to carry more fat from more fat cells then the children of women who gain little weight aside from the baby & placenta's weight.

My Mom likes to tell the story about an experience she had at her Doctors office during her first pregnancy when she was over 6 months pregnant (with me...her first & favorite...that's right siblings...suck it...or bite me..your choice). While waiting for her appointment another pregnant woman asked her "how many months are you" when my Mother (please Mom is 5'9"+ & carried very little extra weight but little ole me & my placenta palace) answered her the woman gasped & said oh my are not in a good way...there must be something wrong if you're so small this late. Now just imagine you're a young woman in you're early 20's carrying your first child & this is what you hear from another woman who looks very pregnant (you know that kid is a fatty!). She of course mentions this to her Doctor & he assures her that she is fine, the baby is healthy, & she just isn't overeating & lucky with genetics. So thank you Mom...for staying lean & not passing on to me any additional fat cells (create enough on my own via chocolate, beer, etc...) & giving me the ability to stay relatively lean & mean to this day.

Of course for those of you that are FAT...while there are of course genetic factors at play is most likely your fault for eating too much & not stop blaming your MOM!

P.S. If careful of eating Roast Beef or like meats for dinner the nights before you give may end up with more then you bargained might get a ME & I don't come mini...!

WHEW! That was close but luckily A'jad is AOK!

Let's all take a a great big collective sigh of relief that one of the world' most beloved leaders...the one & only A'Jad (remember if you only go by one name...your a celebrity(tard) & everyone loves you!) survived a deadly attack by an explosive thrown at his motorcade while travelling through some Providences to spread his words of peace, love, & understanding (Yes...Elvis Costello stole that line from A'Jad). This happened just 2 days after the...may I quote you A'jad..." Stupid Zionists have hired mercenaries to assassinate me"!

While on the one hand I kinda wish this idiot was blown to pieces...on the other who knows what the crazy Mullahs who control the Presidency of Iran would have done. Slaughtered a village or two of every man, woman, & child (that neither Al LieZera or any other news agencies would have reported...Yes you BBC, MSNBC...etc) &/or blaming the Zionists & having their proxy (read:gutless bItchEs) armies of Hamas & Hezbollah let loose. So maybe better off that fearless beloved leader is unharmed. Plus, morons like A'Jad & his batshit crazy rants probably do more good then bad in regards to showing the true colors of the Mullahs. Plus he is an idiot & a puppet...easily replaced. Next guy might not look retarded & dress like a slob...

More importantly though of course is this...A'Jad if you're reading this (you know you're IP address showed up on my readership list) IF the Israeli's want to take you out with extreme know they could any time they want to. I'm not going to say it would be easy....but doable for the Mosad...(is that you're cell-phone ticking?!?...who's knocking on my hotel room now...oh wait...that's coming from the window in the living room...Now where are my damn keys while outside my door in my apt in Europe....Do the math to figure out my references) that would be a YES. So A'jad...I hope this keeps you warm at night in your polyester PJ's under your polyester blankie that you are unsafe & unsound(of mind)...sweet dreams!


Park51 aka...The WTC Mosque Solution...

There has been much controversy lately over the proposed Mosque/13 Story Muslim Community Center.  On one side of the argument is that one of this countries founding principles was freedom of religion & as long as the money can be raised it should be built. On the other side there are those who feel that building a 13 story Mosque in the shadow of the WTC would be a painful reminder of that day & liken it to the Japanese building an amusement park complete with Zero Fighters by Pearl Harbour. While I strongly believe in the right to practice ones there really nowhere else to build the proposed community center?

However, I believe that if the three following stipulations can be met then I see no reason as to why the Mosque/Community Center should not be allowed to be built. They are:

1) Full disclosure on the funding of the Mosque to the very last cent. Hedge Funds raise $100's of millions all day long. This should be a no-brainer for a community that requires a 13 story community center. All the money should be required to come from within this country. Thus showing the American Muslims community commitment to this edifice. There is concern of Saudi Wahhabi financing, which they are well known to do & this will stop that from happening.

2) It might not hurt if the Imam's involved in the proposed Mosque/13 story Community Center were to denounce Al Queda, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban etc...& like organizations that corrupt the Muslim religion by twisting it's beliefs to fit their insane bloodthirsty misogynistic ways

3) Last... but while not least...the absolute total no-brainer for the Muslim community. Allow the building of a Catholic Church, Jewish Temple/Community Center, Hindu Temple & Buddhist Pagoda in Mecca & Dubai. By letting the major religions of the world ( better yet offer this opportunity to any & all religions) to build in the high holy site of the Muslim religion Mecca & the high holy site of oil money Dubai a message of religious tolerance for the world to follow will be set in to speak.

Once the UN gets it's hands on this blog entry I'm sure this project will be good to go. I for one hope they put a pool on top of Park51's community center. I want to do my part to spread world peace by spending  quality time conversing with the beautiful woman of the Muslim community.

Just please remember...when in Mecca & Dubai leave your Blackberry's at home. For obvious reasons they are not allowed & that should be understood & respected. (Yes I'm being sarcastic & yes you should know what I'm referencing here)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

NYC's Hottest,Hippest,Most Happening Happy Hour...

In all fairness I really should'nt be writing this blog. Why you ask...because I like writing about places you can go to that you may not have heard about or wonder about if the hype is true. Thing here most likely will never get in to this happy hour. It's beyond trying to find some place without a sign, or getting past the bouncer, or being on a guest list. It takes place in a building somewhere in a very business centric area of Manhattan. Only one drink is served...the Freemantel (usually on the rocks...but when it really heats up frozen. It's green. The recipe is a secret... more like what you would put together drunk in college then a high end cocktail out of Death & Co, Pegu, the mind of Dale Degroff etc... The atmosphere is a dash of Mad Men, Heavy Metal, & Lounge Lizard. While this combo may sound me it works. Most importantly so does the mix of characters. There is no arguing, no fighting, no preening or prancing around...just good times shared by a select few. While there is a core group that host the event...every week...different select guests are invited & they may bring a guest or 3. Of course the rule of this Happy Hour is...there is no Happy Hour Here...Plus even if you somehow found out about it...let's just say that there are pre-& post security measures in place to ensure you don't get in...or if you somehow do...out.

So while you trudge around trying to find a good happy hour going on up on a rooftop, or the newest hippest restaurant or hotel, least find some solace knowing that somewhere some lucky few...some band of brothers & sisters are drinking some crazy green concoction under the watchful yet benelovent eyes of the BobZilla...I did mention part Lounge Lizard earlier...did you think I meant some trendoid in Prada?