Wednesday, April 21, 2010


After a 20yr stretch for insider trading Gorden Gekko is back out on the street..Wall Street...of course that's just in the real life the NY courts showed us that it's not just in LA where celeutards can get away with crime. In all fairness I've always been a big fan Michael Douglas & an even bigger fan of his father Kirk. However, that doesn't give his spoiled rotten drug peddling son Cameron a free pass in life for dealing drugs. Not just using them...but selling them. Not just mostly harmless lets just legalize it & tax it weed but highly addictive Meth & Coke(not the highly addictive soda that makes us fat & destroys our teeth). If you or I dealt the drugs poor young (31)Cameron dealt we would get a minimum of 10yrs. He got 5 because a bunch of celebrities cried to the judge & he ratted out on the other dealers. Great message there for the rest of us.

Of course we should look at this from poor Cameron's point of view. Just imagine the horrors that he has had to deal with his entire life. A life growing up in mansions with not a want in the world. Never having or needing a job. Any toy as a child or adult without asking. Traveling the world, going to Hollywood premieres...the horror...the horror! Yes, there was growing up in the shadows of his Father & was he able to deal with it?!? Then on top of that his Dad rubbing salt in the wound of his ego by marrying one of the most beautiful woman in the world Cathrine Zeta most have been unbearable! Guess she had no friends for him.

Who wouldn't turn to drugs?!? Who wouldn't turn to dealing drugs?!? Who...just about anyone else you spoiled rotten shit! Sorry I have no mercy for a spoiled rotten brat born with a platinum spoon up his nose. It would be sad if he took to drugs himself for being so weak & fragile...but to sell drugs to others to add to their misery! What creates such a weak pathetic creature? Hollywood...or just being spoiled & never having anything expected of them. I'm sorry, I just have no mercy for people like Cameron. He had access to everything & choose to be a total screw-up & worse screw up further the lives of others. He shouldn't have received half the minimum he should have received double the minimum! The poor kid who grew up without a chance & without one or both parents... maybe if they showed promise... should maybe get some leniency...not some spoiled rotten Hollywood brat. Since I"m not much a fan of America's greatest action hero actor the one & only Shia I was close to not going to see the Wall St sequel as is. Now, sorry Mr. Douglas but I'm boycotting your movie. I know it will accomplish nothing...but it's my little message to you & the pathetic establishment that enables people like you & yours...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Star is Born...Kicking A$$!!!

I laughed, I cried (from laughing so damn hard) I don't think Matt Vaughn could have made this movie better if he tried... I'll try as usual to keep this as Spoiler Free as possible. Please note this one is NOT for kids*! It more then earns it R rating between it's graphic violence, profanity, & sexual content(sorry...but no yes you get to see blood but don't worry no nipples) The premise of the movie Kick Ass (based on the comic) is a regular geeky kid in High School ponders the thought why has no one ever dressed up as a Superhero to fight crime**. He decides to give it a try...with less then spectacular initial results. Turns out...he is not the only one who came up with the idea. Others...have been let's say more successful. No one has super-powers, so it's about as grounded in reality as it's gonna get with one possible exception...

Matt Vaughn does a great job of mixing the humour with the violence & tragedy. Not easily done but he does. You may know him from Layer Cake which is a movie I love & was a screen test for Craig to play Bond. Vaughn was a protege of Guy Richie but I think the student is becoming the master. I really think that after Sam Mendes does his take on Bond Vaughn & Craig need to re-unite...but I digress for once.

The action sequences in this movie are awesome, well choreographed, & I'm fairly confident like nothing you have ever quite seen...Great performances across the board. Nic Cage so needed this movie, Aaron Johnson the lead will be stealing roles from Toby & Jake soon, McLovin was pretty funny, Lyndsy Fonseca the female lead was great & she is oh so damn cute & hot! Mark Strong did a good job as the "bad guy" but it is young Chloe Moretz that steals the show from everyone! She was amazing!!! One of the best characters in a movie ever...I want the action figure! It could just be that she reminded me in certain ways of my niece. Cute, angelic looking...but with the Devil in her. I remember how when she was just learning to much she used to love to wake me up when I crashed over (or on the couch) my hitting me. My brother would say Jilly...soft...nice when you wake up Uncle Steve...she would reply..No...hard! & keep hitting me. Chloe's performance really conjured memories of the young actress in the classic movie Leon The Professional. You saw immediately the star power that little girl had. That little girl was Natalie Portman. Let's hope that Chloe follows in her footsteps both in her professional & personal life. Natalie has had a great career so far & is a class act in her personal life. The film does have some great lines on a certain celeb-retard who has not...

I don't think you need to like comics to like this movie, you just have to like action flicks & have a dark sense of humour. Of course if you do, then you will catch plenty of the comic references...everyone else will get all the POP references that include the you-tube-ification of our culture & video game influences. This one really is a must see...go see it...don't make me slap on my costume & deliver some whoop-ass on you!

*The guy sitting next to my friend was there with his 8-10yr old daughter...I can only give so much grief due to the fact my Dad used to bring my baby bro & I when we were even younger to Martial Arts & Cop flicks...but he would never have taken my sister his little girl...

** Actually there are some out there...a handful patrol Washington Sq Park confronting Drug Dealers

Geek Trivia question...Who is the actress that plays Ms. Amico(the bad guys wife) & what superheroine did she play on TV? See IMDB for answer...