The Chinese have an ancient proverb (actually, they have many) "A picture says a thousand words". Well I guess it's safe to say that the totally candid unsolicited picture of Obama holding a book by Mitt Romney (he had Dick Morris's latest book as well in his shopping cart) shows proof that Obama is not an Ultra Left Winger much less a Socialist like many claim. He is actually a Right Wing creation of his real mentor....Karl Rove! His voting record being the most Liberal on record was a mere ploy as well as the photo op & photo shopped pics of him with Reverend Wright, unreformed terrorist Bill Ayers, etc... You say this is crazy talk...really..then lets look at a few hard documented facts...
He ran on ending the wars & closing Gitmo...
- Are we still in Iraq? Yes.
- Are we still in Afghanistan? Yes & he ordered a surge of 30,000 troops!
- Have we closed Gitmo? No
- Are we still using Drones? Not only is Big O using Predator drones...he is using them far more often then W...and W thought they were a mission on COD Modern Warfare 2 & used to play all night with Rove...& Obama is still using them more!
- Are we still using rendition? Yes
He ran on fixing the Economy...
- He purchased a bunch of car companies
- He purchased a bunch of Investment Banks
- He took over the Health Care Industry
What Liberal Democrat buys businesses? They put our money into unprofitable Gov't ennablement programs, they don't buy businesses to make profits!
He ran on Health Care reform
- Public Option? No
- Abortions funded? No
- Left wing of Democratic Party happy? No
- Michael Moore happy(the other leg, breast, & wing of the party)? No
He ran on fixing the World that W Broke
- Good relation with the UK? No
- Good relations with Israel? No
- Better relations with Iran? No
- Better relations with N.Korea? No (but great photo op for Billy C)
- Appointed Americas darling Hilary Clinton as Secretary of State....Hugo Chavez refers to her as Blondaleeza!!!
Does the saying keep your friends close & your enemies closer come to mind to any of you?!? Of course this is why he is pissing off the Brits & Israeli's...it's to bring our real enemies in...(no not Islamic fanatics...our real enemies...the...Visitors!!!)
Facts are facts...feel free to dispute them...but you may just want to check them out first. Plus, why else would someone as intelligent as Obama pick someone like Biden as his Veep...unless to draw distraction & cover...
I will leave you with another ancient Chinese proverb(or is it curse?) "May you live in interesting times"...
What a sad account of what we are allowing as americans!