I saw on Twitter a fairly thought provoking article from Mark Cuban's blog and his thoughts on the Financial Markets. soapbox-advice-to-the-ows-movement-and-then-some/ After you read his piece... my deep thoughts...
My $.02 for what's it worth is this...the Frank/Dodd bill is a
disaster because he doesn't tackle the real problems on Wall St and our
Gov't...it attacks the easy to see profits...which is only resulting in
not only less profits for banks but less tax revenues...guess where the money comes from that pays Union's, Unemployment benefits etc...???
Where I think Mr Cuban nailed it is on these two points...
1) Holding Corporations responsible. Buying a share of stock and
attending share holder meetings would likely do a bit more then getting
high in a park while asking for hand-outs and using the very tools of
Capitalism (iPhones, Twitter, Google, etc) while accepting gifts from
American Apparel, etc...to attempt to...do what exactly...
2)The stock market was created to raise capital for companies so they
can come out with better product/services and in turn become more
profitable...that's not what's going on any longer...
Where I don't agree is in regards to High Frequency Trading...I
don't see it going away anytime soon...it's a matter of how it's used.
Furthermore I don't think sending our trading markets overseas would
benefit us whatsoever and really don't get why he does, unless he was
just being provocative.
Last but not least...while I believe there need to be major changes
in Wall St regulation, the Gov't, the Tax code etc...I do not see the
OWS as the vehicle to get us there. If anything they are doing more
damage then good by diverting Police resources away from high crime
areas where they are needed(yes...crime is up) and not only are they not affecting Big
Banks profits... they are killing small business's in the Wall St vicinity!
I also had the pleasure of walking through them in USQ when it
first started. It was not comprised of intelligent people articulating
their thoughts... it was a mass of unwashed idiots screaming and shaking
their fists while carrying signs about one thing and yelling about
another. The fact that its comprised of anarchists looking to bring down Capitalism, Anti-Semites spewing their rants(yes a minority...but I
have 0 tolerance for it) and the clueless looking for something to
do...they quite simply do not get my support and I think it's time for
them to pack up for the next protest they know nothing about.
Maybe they can camp out at the Universities that charge the crazy
exorbitant fee's that have lead to a TRILLION dollar bubble in unpaid
student loans getting ready to burst...or possibly on Barney Frank's
lawn. He can come out and explain Fannie and Freddie to them and tell them why he
said he supports them while he was at a fundraiser meeting with
Investment Banks while in New York recently...
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