Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A. Weiner Rises...With Certitude

    For those of you wondering why A. Weiner has not stepped down and's quite simple. He doesn't believe that he has done anything wrong and that what he did do has noting to do with the job he was elected for. Which I have to admit I do truly find in a bizarre way fascinating. He really believes that he will get away with texting/twittering/phone sexing women while he is married and not only keep his job...but take the next step on his way to the Presidency of the United States as the next Mayor of New York. I think he sees a Bill Clinton that got away with an this is nothing. Well, while I'm not exactly a big fan of Slick Willy...however, he is a very canny politician who had an incredible machine behind him. A Weiner is a Congressman in a district in a state and doesn't quite have a Clinton machine.

    The real question is was all of this done via "mobile devices" or has he been with any of these women. I don't think this story has fully run it's course yet & I'm curious to see what else comes out. Keep in started as an underwear pic and has escalated to multiple pics (possibly of A.Weiner in state of excitement) to multiple women, phone sex, text sex, and advising a Porn Star on how to handle the media and possibly offering his "staff" (no pun intended here) to support her...which I believe is illegal.

    If he didn't...then what exactly what was he thinking about doing this as a married man...or for that manner any guy. I'm guessing that A Weiner figured out a while ago that he may need to not only rely on his looks...but possibly his charming personality and brains. He may have noticed that the way women looked at him in college vs the way he gets viewed as a Congressman. He may have come to learn that Kissinger was right "Power is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac". Is he really that much of an insecure narcissist that he needed the adoration of these women via a mobile device? With a wife that travels a lot could he not take matters into his "own hand(s)" with past memories or a stimulating movie? Did he really need to take pics of himself next to two cats and use that as a come on?

    I'm worried sometimes when I send out an e-mail that has no pics and nothing major on it...what part of texting and e-mailing creating a personal record eludes A. Weiner, A Tiger, & C. Lee? Do they really believe that they are beyond the law and common decency? Do they have no respect for themselves...their families, their friends? I'm not going to presume to judge them on their morals. Who among else is such an angel. However...showing some common sense is something else. Knocking up your maid...maybe a bad idea. Using campaign money to pay for your bastards support...maybe that might come up...and is illegal. Offering your "staff" to a entertainer and talking and texting from your office doing work hours...maybe not the brightest idea? Going to the same "escort" at the same "establishment"....maybe there could be records?

    If A. Weiner had a sherd of decency or respect for anyone at all he would have resigned. One thing that I also find very troubling is that he has not been ordered to step down by his party. Both sides of the aisle are guilty of like stupid acts. When Mr Lee put up pics of himself on Craig's flexing his upper body he resigned immediately. Why is Pelosi not making him step down? Why is she going to spend tax payer dollars on an investigation that will take months and go nowhere!?!

    Again I could care less that he was texting pics of himself like an idiot. I do care that he is an elected official that is a blatant untrustworthy classless liar. Not who I want representing me or you for that matter. But hey...don't cry for A. Weiner...he'll be fine. Once he loses his job he will reach out to his contacts in the "entertainment" industry make a straight to DVD movie likely titled "A.Weiner Rises" and then get his own Reality show...after he is the next Bachelor and rocks out on the Jersey Show on MTV this summer...

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