I have always been a big believer that actions speak louder the words. However, to ignore the power of words...written or spoken would be rather foolish. It is often words that lead to actions. In President Obama's recent speech on the Middle East...we see that he seems to have learned the hard way that placating and apologizing to the Dictators, Mullah's, Maniac's, and two faced liars running the various failed states was getting no one anywhere. He for the most part gave the speech he should have given back in Cairo vs the one he delivered apologizing for all the West's transgressions against the Mid-East. Not for nothing...but that speech is for Price William of the UK or Sarkozy of France to give. The Crusaders were primarily English and French Knights...not American Indians.
The thing is for all the good he said, what everyone seems to remember is the comment he made on the 67 Borders. Not what he said about the Syrians, Egyptians, Iranians or even how he acknowledged the progress in Iraq ( I can't wait for W and O to take the show on the road like Bush Sr and Clinton have done ie Disaster Relief, National Institute for Civil Discourse ). I just don't know sometimes when he makes like comments does he really get what he's saying or just doesn't get how others perceive it...
"The United States believes that negotiations should result in two states, with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel, Jordan, and Egypt, and permanent Israeli borders with Palestine. The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states."
The Israeli's lit on fire over it saying no way...they would be unable to defend themselves. The Palestinians are grumbling that they are not going to acknowledge a State of Israel. First off let's look at some hard facts. Not one of the three areas in question were "Palestinian". Gaza was Egyptian, the West Bank Jordanian, and the Golan Heights Syrian. Take a look at a map and see if you see any potential issues with this. In my own personal opinion I would either give Gaza to the Egyptians and they can decide what they want to do...but will be wholly responsible for security and be ready to face the penalties of what may come if they don't or turn it over to Israel. The West Bank and possibly some settlements to create the Palestinian State...which I do believe should be created (if for no other reason it will force their security forces to contain the maniacs or face war as a repercussion of their actions) As for the Golan Heights I would tell the Syrians to go F themselves.
The reason Israel has possession of the three aforementioned chunks of land is because those three countries attacked Israel unprovoked in 1967 (Six Day War)and got their asses handed to them by the Israeli Air Force, Armor (led by a young Ariel Sharon) and Paratroopers. The land was taken for security concerns, not oil, diamonds, gas, trees...for security from attack on their civilian population. These same wonderful peaceful neighbors attacked again in 1973 (Yom Kipper War) on the highest holy day in the Jewish religion. To put it in perspective it would be like attacking the Vatican on Christmas Eve.
In regards to the Palestinians, the only way to peace is for the moderates to gain control over the maniacs and deal with the fact that Israel is not going away and that not everyone is going to get their hill and olive tree back. If they would get it through their heads that the Israeli's treat them better then the Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians etc...and that if they became peaceful neighbors their children would be going to school with Israeli's, working in Hospitals together instead of sending each other to the hospital, and gaining employment for their youth everyone would be better off.
There will have to be compromise made by both sides. However compromise works when both sides feel they accomplished something and walk away with some of what they wanted. Not when one side kills innocent civilians and then throws candy in the air to celebrate the death of their neighbors children and the martyrdom of their own.
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