Saturday, April 30, 2011

Buron Morris:Pop Art Star

Many moons ago...long before I started collecting art and attending opening night events at galleries I used to just pop (no pun intended) into the various galleries in Soho. I distinctly remember one particular work that used to really grab me and draw me was of a giant sized brightly painted martini glass loaded with olives and with black slashes around it giving it a kinetic sense of energy. It was the ultimate piece of art for a bachelor pad... the piece that James Bond would have over his bar trolley in his flat. I'm still kicking myself that I didn't get one (at the time he was doing 3 dimensional woodcuts...he still does new pieces on canvas and uses the image in his work).

Burton Morris is from the same school of Pop Art style as Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. Three of his signature iconic images seen in many of his works include the aforementioned Swirling Martini Glass, The steaming Coffee Cup (If you watched Friends it was the piece in the coffee shop they used to while away their days in) and a box of popped Popcorn.

His latest works exhibited at Pop International Galleries include his take on "Night Tables" that feature JFK's, Batman's, Dali's, Dr. Seuss, and Minnie Mouses done via Burton's Pop Art interpretations. (Please note Burton is trained in Fine Art and very into Pop Culture, I point this out because when you look at these pieces his attention to detail in regards to what he puts on their night tables shows his knowledge and love of his subjects). The Museum collection where he mixes famous works (Venus, The Thinker) with his Iconic images,  Interior collections...think Fine Art Interiors thru the mind's eye of Pop Art. He has done commerical work for major brands (Coca Cola) and events (Oscars, Olympics) and some of his new works include his interpretation of cereal (ie Lucky Charms & Quisp...yes Quisp!) candy (ie Good and Plenty, plus a special exhibition he did for Dylan's Candy Store...those works are currently at the store and will arrive at the gallery next month) and men's dress shirts and ties with his iconic martini, coffee, popcorn on them (perfect for the wall next to your clothes closet or for the Men's store that sells shirts and ties...I'm in sales I can't help bad...sorry).

Burton Morris's works are bright, colorful, energetic and optimistic views of the world we live in. In Oscar Wilde's essay the Decay of Lying he wrote that "Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life". Considering how crazy things are now between the economy, natural disasters, and revolutions taking place around the world if "Life Imitates Art" then if I had to choose an artist for life to imitate right now it would be the works of Burton Morris. He latest works are currently on view and available for purchase at Pop International Galleries. Ask for Brian and tell him I sent you...

Pop International Galleries, Inc is located at 473 West Broadway

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