Now Dave I don't expect you to do the right thing & resign for the right are clearly not capable of it. Your own party wants nothing to do with you from our President on down. I don't know if it's because you are the spoiled rotten brat of a powerful connected man(not that I agree with much of your Fathers politics...but if a Patterson should be sitting on the Governors seat it should have been him), because you are quite simply a pathological liar who is incapable of making a moral decision since you lack any moral compass or you are just insane. Considering the fact the you may end up facing jail time when this is over & you are making Spitzer & Blago look good...that might be likely.
So...I'm going to ask you to step down for the only reason that you do anything...short term benefit for yourself! Now how is stepping down as Governor of the state of New York going to benefit David (I should be President) Patterson...well just look what it did for Sarah Palin(didn't agree with her doing clearly paid off short term...but long term...remains to be seen) instead of governing a big chunk of ice covered with Moose & Mosquito's she is now touring the a gig on Fox...wrote a book & recently did some comedy on Leno! Do you really want to continue to waste your time in Albany(Silver runs it anyhow) when a man of your talent & incredible gifts could be on the world stage! Palin wrote a book...are you telling me you can't(i'm thinking of a coloring book done in braile...yes that is horribly tasteless...but it is so you!)?!? Is Sarah funnier then you...are you not the life of the party or what?? Do you not want to tour the country & spread the Patterson around?!? CNN or John Stewart would kill for you! Do you want to host SNL...(with Beyonce as the guest singer...& steal her from Jay Z...what does he have on you!?!) or do you to be a lame gag on SNL because they temporarily ran out of Palin jokes?!?
Follow your destiny...take the world the Presidency...& show Obama how it' really done! Be all you can be Dave...a mere Governorship is beneath you...grab the world by it's cojones...swing'em over your head while pouring a bottle of Cuervo down you gullet & do the right thing...(for yourself!!!)
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