I'm not sure what scares me more sometimes...the mind-numbing stupid ideas that come out of our elected officials or the fact that we elect these morons! In an effort to make sure we stay healthy the geniuses in our legislature in NY have come up with the ingenious idea of banning ALL salt from the "cooking process" in ALL restaurants. Yes you read that right...banning salt to prepare food. Don't worry it gets better...salt can still be provided on the table so diners can add salt at their discretion. So in other words...we are all too stupid to moderate salt on our own so to help prevent heat disease, high blood pressure etc...salt will be banned from the kitchen but allowed on the table. Do these morons (yes you know who you are in Brooklyn...that's right elected official in Brooklyn) Do these idiots not know how to cook or the cooking process at all? Do they only expect others to cook for them or just expense all their meals on our tax dollars? Do they not know the importance of using salt in the process of cooking to bring out the flavors of the food? That using kosher &/or sea salt is healthier & better? That even most good restaurants put out the crap over-processed salt that is worst for you & the least flavorful? Do you not get that using salt in the cooking process...but at the restaurants discretion not putting out salt would make more sense? That putting out small amounts of sea-salt would best? I'm guessing some genius figured out that this would be an easy way to tax restaurants (which will end up getting picked by by us by increased prices). Maybe if the morons in charge that we elected didn't blow their budgets on $177.00 bagels(look it up...true story) they wouldn't have to save us from ourselves.
The other Einstein like idea is to jack up taxes on soda to promote good health via stopping salt's evil twin sugar from assaulting our bodies. Like that's going to work! Why don't you just come out & say that "we know this will discourage no one from drinking less soda...so it's another easy way to collect more tax money...plus we want to keep you fat, stupid, & complacent"! How about in the schools & via the media we teach people proper nutrition & how to eat & cook. How about some personal responsibility! How about if you take care of yourself you get a tax credit? If you decide to abuse yourself & get fat & all the wonderful problems that come with it..it's on you...not me!
Is it really a wonder that the current health care debate is such a disaster? Look at the brain trusts trying to put this together. People with no concept of nutrition but an understanding on how to tax us...remember we voted these idiots in...
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