So far this summer has provided some pretty good action order so far & a very good foreign film...
Star Trek...this is the movie of the summer & may even be added to one of my all time favorites...Chris Pine nailed the Kirk role while making it his own & Skylar looked so much like a young Nimoy I read somewhere it kind of freaked out Nimoy's wife when she met him... Bones is good, but the holy trinity in this movie was between Kirk, Spock, & Uhura... Abrams took the Star Trek universe & for lack of a better word or phrase "star-wars it up"...
Terminator: Salvation...while Star Trek was very light & full of hope (think OBAMA) this movie was more like a future if Darth Cheney took over as President for another 8 years (please note I voted for Bush twice & like him, so yes the comment above is me being facetious) It rocked, Bale was great & one of my new favorite hot women that can act Moon Bloodgood (catch her on Burn Notice) was really good. Also, they took CGI to the next level in more ways then one. We finally also get to see the post-Apocalyptic world & how the Terminators were ending if you're a fan of Westerns as well..
Wolverine - How Hugh Jackman at 6+ can play a short squat character is beyond me...but he totally nails the role...a fun movie that does a good job of providing action & Logan's back story. I'm becoming a huge fan of Liev Schriber in action roles (he's awesome in Defiance)
Revanche - Translates to Revenge... a petty criminal & his girlfriend (a prostitute) decide to hit a bank to get the cash to go to Ibiza & start a better life...things don't go as planned... lives are interwoven & end up creating a unquie form of revenge...the move is very good & is sub-titled...see it before Hollywood remakes & ruins it...
Check back for more exciting reviews throughout the summer...
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