Dear President Obama,
While I understand that you have a fair amount on your plate right now between nationalizing Health Care, the Auto Industry, deconstructing Wall St, N. Korea going ballistic, & Ambajamba-Sbag winning a landslide victory in Iran ( face it you're jealous...85% voter turn out & a 65%+ got your work cut out for you in 2012 to beat those numbers)...I will implore you that maybe you take a look at what we are paying juvenile delinquents to throw/catch/shoot a ball & how much it costs a regular guy/girl/family to actually see a game...
Do we really need to pay someone gifted with fast twitch muscle fibers & incredible hand-eye coordination 10's of millions of dollars to play a game?!? (I am big sports fan for the record)...most of these guys couldn't land a job making six figures doing anything else (in this current economic environment probably couldn't land a job) If they were paid $100K per season plus bonuses (reasonable ones...not like the fat cats on Wall St get) how many would say no to it? Less then 1% if any...instead we pay millions to morons who shoot themselves in the leg in public, drunk drive, commit "manslaughter" while doing so etc... Of course it''s not all of them by any stretch...many are solid citizens that work hard like the rest of us...but again...they are playing a game...if they got paid what I suggest they can use the fame for their post careers like the smarter ones have (Roger Staubach is a great example)
To put it in perspective if I were to take my Niece & Nephew (& brother, I don't think I'm allowed to take them out alone until they are both over 30) to a movie it costs at best $50.00 with gas, food etc...factored in..the same day at a sporting event...$500 bucks easy...the seats are full of fat cats (see Wall St bonuses) not we really need $2,500 seats (reduced to ONLY $1,250) to see a game so we can play someone $5 million for a few months...
If anyone can do this it's're the President, everyone loves you (Well almost, not sure about Dear Leader, The Mullahs in Iran, Brown, Sarkozy, Netanyahu...) you're a Sports fan & you're already nationalizing every business anyhow...bring sports back to the can do it...I HOPE...
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